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"There were three Ravens sat on a tree, downe a downe, hey downe, hey downe. They were as blacke as blacke could be—with a downe–"

Interrupting Scabior from singing while watching Aries, Fenrir had enough.

"If you're going to sing her a lullaby, do it in private, I've had enough of your donkey voice." said Fenrir in anger.

"Just pluck your body hair and stick it inside your ears– oh wait, you still have hair in your ear so... No, sorry." he said. "She was smiling while I was singing until you interrupted me, thanks a lot, Greyback."

"I swear if you don't shut your—"

"With a downe derrie, derry, derry, downe, downe—!"

Greyback grabbed Scabior by the shirt and had his face close to him.

"Woah, easy there buddy! don't make drop the sleeping beauty."

"Will you two stop fighting?!" Another Death Eater yelled. "We're here now, so shut up and don't bring any attention from people around here!"

Greyback gave Scabior one last glare before he unhanded him and walked away angrily.

"I could've dropped the little birdy because of this big guy!" Scabior whined.

"We're here."

They all stopped in front of a gate, and behind that gate inside came Bellatrix, eyeing the captives, she recognized all of them.

"That's a bonus for the Dark Lord." she whispered, staring at Aries. "Get Draco." she hissed.

Inside the Malfoy Manor.

"Excuse me, take her from me? I didn't capture her as an extra captive for you to take her, no. I want her to my self, take the others. You should be thankful that I brought Hogwarts kids here." Scabior said.

"Give us the girl now!" Bellatrix yelled.

Scabior said nothing but look around nervously, then he had no choice, so he placed her on the floor and backed away.

"Fancy her, eh? Can't say I blame you, she's beauty and all, but her blood is dirty, plus her personality, this girl needs to be restrained." said Bellatrix.

"Restrained? Why?" Scabior laughed.

"This is Aries Black you fool." said Fenrir, tying her hands together very tightly with a rope. "You better not break free, or you know what happens.•

Scabior frowned. "Aries Black..." He whispered. "That's another reason for me wanting her—!"

"Ah, Draco come here." Said Bellatrix.

From the shadows at the far end of the room, Draco. He separated from his mother Narcissa and cautiously forward.

"Those fools say that they've got Harry Potter, seeing as an old school chum of yours, I thought you could confirm the fact for us." said Bellatrix, making way for him.

Draco spotted Aries first, he felt his stomach churning after seeing her in this horrible state.


Draco looked away from Aries and looked at Harry. "I can't... I can't be sure." he stammered.

Lucius came beside his son and whispered something to him out of fear.

They started saying that Harry might have got a stinging jinx by someone here, so they started with Hermione.

Before Bellatrix started to argue with her, she found a sword in Hermione's bag, the sword of Gryffindor.

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