Twenty eight

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"Aries, come down here!" Wisteria called from downstairs, "Come on now, we have company today, remember?!"

Aries stomped on the floor grumpily, "I know, I know, no need to remind me again!" she shouted, heading towards the children's room. "Are the little goblins awake–" She jumped back in surprise.

"Woah! calm yourself." Ron said, rocking one of the twins gently. "You almost made me drop him!"

"Ron, Hermione." Aries cleared her throat and acted cool. "Wh- What are you two doing here? are you two lost or just visiting?"

Hermione squinted her eyes as she studied the face features the twins and Aries. "They look like you, but with less freckles." she muttered.

"You picked the most horrible names, you know.
You could've given them cool names but you chose... Cygnus and Rigel, literally star names!" Ron complained.

"These are cool name, now don't get me started with your name, Ronald. And who gave you permission to take away my brothers?" Aries asked. "I do not allow it from now on." she ignored them dramatically and went downstairs.

And there was Harry, who have just arrived with Moody, Lupin, Nymphadora Tonks who would prefer to be called Tonks, Kingsley, Vance, Podmore, Jones, Doge and Diggle.

Harry spotted Aries coming downstairs cautiously as she stared at the rest of the wizard whom she never seen before.

"Aries," Harry smiled and walked up to her, and she quickly gave him a big warm hug. "Haven't seen you in a while." he said as they pulled away.

"Yeah, I was busy doing absolutely nothing, as usual." she joked with a shrug. "Lupin, Moody, it's nice seeing you here."

"Aries, you've grown since the last time I've seen you." Lupin chuckled.

Wisteria exited the dining room where she was sitting at with Sirius. "Did someone say Lupin?" she said with a big smile on her face.

That's his best friend right here, the first Gryffindor along she got along with. He helped her with so many things back in their school years and she did the same for him.

"Wisty, my dear friend," he smiled fondly as he went to give her a warm embrace. "You're finally safe with us, all this time I thought you were harmed, or maybe killed."

"You were worried about me, how sweet." she laughed. "Alastor! do you remember me? we used to study potions together,"

"Yes, yes, you're the redhead who always blew up her potions and had Regulus helping her all the time." Moody answered dryly. "Annoying, you were."

"Touching." Aries mumbled sarcastically.

Suddenly, everyone heard someone shouting upstairs, and Aries recognized Harry's angry voice.

"What is going on?" Wisteria asked as she went upstairs followed by Aries.

"—so you haven't been in the meetings, big deal! you've still been here, haven't you?! you've still been together! me, I've been stuck at the Dursley's for a month! and I've handled more than you two've ever managed and—!"

The door made a creak sound as it opened by Wisteria and Aries, making Harry stop and looked a them.

"Who are the Dursley's? I'll kill them for you!" Aries exclaimed.

But Harry's eyes were not on Aries, they were on Wisteria, the redheaded women whom he had trouble understanding how his mother is standing there.

"Those anger bursts, just like your father." Wisteria commented lightly as if it wasn't anything out of the ordinary. "Well, I don't blame you Harry, Tunia and her husband were never nice to me and Lily, so I can't imagine the hell that you went through in that house."

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