Fifty two

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"Stand by my side, Aries. Now." said Snape.

Aries knew that she had no choice but to do what he says, so she walked through the great hall, receiving deadly stares from the students, but before she can reach him, someone grabbed her arm, stopping her.


"I think it's time for Aries to be freed from your grips, headmaster."

Aries recognized this voice immediately, she turned her head and smiled. "Harry."

"It seems that despite your exhaustive defensive strategies, you still have a bit of security problem." said Harry, his arms blocking Aries as he pushed her behind him for protection.

The two entrance doors of the great hall opened, and Ron, Hermione, Fred, George, Bill, Fleur, Remus, Nymphadora, Kingsley, Neville, Dean, Mr and Mrs Weasley entered.

"And I'm afraid its quite extensive. How dare you stand where he stood?"

"Is there even a spot that Dumbledore haven't —"

Ron rushed to Aries and clapped her mouth by his hand. "Shut. It. We're in a serious situation right now and you're joking as if nothing is happening." He hissed.

Aries licked his palm.

Ron made a disgusted reaction, took his hand off her mouth and wiped it by his shirt. "Oh that's so mature!"

She stuck her tongue out at him.

Hermione slapped both of the back of their heads. "Shut it you two,"

Interrupting, McGonagall suddenly blocked the four of them.

They realized that Snape and McGonagall just drew out their wands, as if they're going to duel.

McGonagall shot flames at Snape, he did nothing but deflecting her attacks while slowly moving backwards. He knocks over the two Death Eaters behind him with his defensive spell, then morphed into a black smoke, flying out of the high window.

"Coward!" McGonagall shouted at him.

Aries started to breath rapidly, looking at the broken window, her ears weren't hearing anything expect for her breath.

As soon as Harry placed his hand on her shoulder, she started to run through the hall, to the windows.

"Aries!" Harry shouted, he ran to her and wrapped his arms around her, stopping her.

"Let go! I- I have to see him!"

He stopped holding her and looked at her in shock, to understand why she said that.

She pushed him aggressively before the others come to help him hold her, she managed to break free by morphing into the black smoke, she didn't know how to control it, so the black smoke started to shake, as if its glitching, then she got out of the castle.

"What is she up to?!" Hermione asked, deeply worried.

Then Harry immediately knew what she was thinking of, unlike Hermione, he didn't want to follow Aries, right now, he wants her to have her time.

"You let her go." said Hermione.

"I had to."


Aries landed on a field, tripped like a ball and landed on her bum after flying around for a while.

"Why are you chasing after me! You know it's dangerous and I'm not going to let you get hurt after all that happened—!"

"You're an idiot!" Aries screamed.

Snape's eyes widened, he was shocked to heard her scream at him, especially screaming that he's an idiot.

Through the Darkness | Draco MalfoyWo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt