Happy Birthday Jean

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Everyone had a blast at the fair, especially once Harry joined them not long after they arrived. Hermione, Blaise, Draco, Harry and Pansy fought to win the most games to see who was the best and being a "Muggle" and played every game available at least once. Everyone in attendance had made a point to try at least one bite of every kind of food available and Lucius started to think of how he could sneak one of his elves into a fair like this so they could replicate the foods the group responded best to. 

Jean and Narcissa brought their cameras to take photos of practically everything the kids did and would make them stop to pose every time they seen one of the staff dressed up or preforming some kind of act. Lucius, who opted out of going on most of the rides, happily carried all the prizes the kids had won until Hermione could sneak into a bathroom to stuff them into her enchanted bag without muggles getting suspicious. 

As the group sat down to test of the muggle alcoholic beverages offered in the beer gardens, Jean turned to the young Gryffindor and thanked him for coming which made him blush a little. 

"Of course Mrs. Zabini, I'm actually really glad to get to spend some time with 'Mione's family." He explained as the server came with a tray full of drinks. "I feel bad not being around more as she's the closest thing I have to a sibling of my own."

"Oh your welcome to join us anytime you wish, especially as Hermione's adoptive brother." Jean said through her smile. 

Blaise nudged Harry with his elbow to get his attention as he swallowed his beer, "Plus it's nice having some new competition around." he finished with a wink.

"Hey! Pans and I put up a good fight for some of those prizes!" Hermione teased her brother. 

"It's not the same though, with Harry we can actually try and not feel bad if we beat him." Draco told his girlfriend before taking his first ever jello shot.

Blaise nodded in agreement, "Exactly, plus you two didn't exactly make us sweat." Harry, Blaise and Draco all chuckled at the mock offended faces Pansy and Hermione made. 

"I must say, although these drinks don't compare to a nicely aged firewhiskey," Lucius said to distract the bickering children, "This tequila isn't terrible."

Hermione and Harry laughed at the way Lucius was trying to sip the drink from the shot glass in his hand before Hermione ordered a whole round of the shots. Once they came she handed one to everyone, "Okay so with tequila you shoot it back quickly. First lick your hand here," she showed them by licking the side of her hand between her thumb and wrist, "and put some salt on the wet spot, then you hold the lime in the same hand and the shot in the other. When your ready you lick the salt, take the shot and then suck on the lime all one right after the other." 

Blaise smirked as he sprinkled some salt on his hand, "Why don't you show us quick and then we'll all follow suit." 

Hermione smirked at the challenge and looked across the table to Harry, "On three?" 

"Absolutely." he said with his own smile before counting down, cheersing her shot glass with his own and then doing the shot as she described. Both Harry and Hermione made faces from the taste of the tequila as they sucked on their limes which made everyone else burst into a fit of laughter before doing their own. 

Jean was first to recover after and turned to Lucius, "I don't know how you think that's good, I don't think I've ever tasted anything so foul." 

"I agree, even Skele-grow has a better after taste." Narcissa said in agreement. 

"Drop shot next?" Harry asked Hermione with a Slytherin worthy smirk. 

Hermione quickly got excited, "Yes!" she exclaimed before turning to find a server, when she didn't see one who wasn't busy she turned back to her family, "I'll go find one, you explain to the purebloods how to do it." she said in a teasing tone as she emphasized the word pureblood.

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