Family Resemblance and Hiding Spots

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Hermione walked down one of the many halls of Zabini manor, looking for her birth mother. As she walked, Hermione took in the looks of all the Zabini women that came before her. Most of them looked more or less the same, yet all had slightly different, almost familiar features.

"You have Grace's nose. Well your glammor does, I don't know about your Zabini face." Blaise's deep voice made Hermione jump.

She watched her brother walk up to stand beside her before turning back to the smiling face of their long dead ancestor's portrait in front of them. "Do you really think so?"

Both Blaise and Grace nodded, "Yeah, I was walking down this hallway the night we did the memory charm on you with the Weasleys at Malfoy manor. Grace is our great great grandmother. She married our great great grandfather in Notre-Dame before adding a gargoyle to protect not only the famous church itself, but also their marriage."

"You're kidding!" Hermione didn't even try to hide the excitement she felt from her voice.

"Nope, it's a tradition among mom's family to marry off their daughters in that particular church. They were very superstitious and believed that marrying them under God's eye and adding the gargoyles would protect them in their new families." Blaise smiled up at the proud woman before moving down two frames to the next woman, "This is our grandmother, her name is Annabel, you have her eyes, in both color and shape."

I always wondered how Narcissa created this glammor. I love that she used our mom's family to do it. Minus the skin tone of course." Hermione giggled.

"That's where your wrong little sister," Blaise walked further down the hall, "This is our great, great, great, great, great grandmother, Harmony. She married the tall, dark and handsome Egyptian prince Abubakar, who blessed his descendants with their dark skin tone. I'm sure Narcissa tried to match your coloring to that of the Granger's but you have to admit its uncanny how Harmony has the same one."

Hermione didn't know what to say as all the women that came before her to make up her family tree smiled down at her. The more she looked, the more she noticed they each shared at least one physical trait of hers.

"Blaise, does it bother you that I chose to keep my glammor, rather than looking like mom." Hermione's voice was quiet as she asked the question that's been floating in the back of her mind since she learned her truth.

"How do you know you'd look like mom without it?"

Hermione took a deep breath, "Narcissa took it off to show me, before I went to Malfoy manor to meet all you guys again. I looked slightly younger than mom did the day we were born."

Blaise thought for a minute before giving his usual Slytherin smirk, "Well, thank god she put it back, having two of her running around would be to creepy." he forced a very dramatic shiver. Hermione shoved him playfully before he pulled her into a hug, "We'll love you and welcome you no matter what you look like, but I can honestly say, I'd rather you keep this look. It's you."

Hermione pulled away just far enough to look up at him, "That's exactly what I told Narcissa." she smiled.

"That you'd love her no matter what she looked like? You're a weird girl Granger." Blaise said with an eyebrow up and his smirk back on his face.

Hermione pushed him and tried to scowl through her smile, "Oh shut up, I told her I wanted to keep this look because it was me."

Both twins laughed as they continued down the hall in search of their mother. When they got to a set of white doors, Hermione could hear a beautiful melody coming from a harp. She looked up at Blaise when he put a hand on her shoulder and seen he had the other hand held up telling her to stay quiet.

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