Catching up

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"So yeah, that's everything I've done since the war." Hermione took a deep breath to calm herself down, "I wish they were still alive but atleast I found their tombstones, I can kind of visit them still." 

"Oh 'Mione, I am so sorry dear." Miss Weasley whispered as she wiped the tears from Hermione's face and pulled her in for a hug. 

"I can't believe it. After everything you did to protect them from Voldemort's goonies, they die in a car accident." Harry spoke softly but couldn't look his best friend in the eye. 

Hermione looked around the small kitchen she sat in and, taking a moment to look at the only family she had left. Harry had an arm around Ginny, she was glad they finally got to be together now that the war was over. Ron sat next to them; looking grimly at Mr. Weasley who sat across from him, Hermione didn't expect either of them to say anything, she knew neither would know what to say but she appreciated the company non the less. Bill and Fleur were hugging one another while they leaned up against the counter behind the table. Percy sat at the other end, across from Hermione and between his father and younger brother. Then there was George, sitting beside his dad, looking down at his lap. He looked worse than anyone else in the family after losing his twin in the war. Hermione couldn't help but find him inspiring, if he could keep going after losing Fred, she could keep going too. 

"So what will you do now?" Ginny spoke softly to her best friend. 

"Well, their house was paid off and is still in the same condition it was when I left it last so I guess I will live there. We never got to finish our last year but I still have all my books so I think I will study them and talk to the ministry about taking my N.E.W.T.s so I can get a job." 

George burst out laughing, startling the rest of the family. "George what in Merlin's name has gotten into you?" Mrs. Weasley scolded her son. 

"Hermione," he said wiping a tear from his face, "I'm so bloody glad your still you." he continued laughing, and before long everyone in the small, crowded kitchen was laughing too. 

When the family finally settled into a comfortable silence, Bill was the first to speak again. "Mom, dad, annoying siblings, Fleur and I have some news." 

"What about Harry and Hermione?" Ron spit at his brother, "If your going to address everyone like that they should be included yeah?" 

Bill rolled his eyes, "I did you git, they fall under the annoying sibling category with you lot. Although I think it's safe to say your number one in that department." 

Everyone broke into laughter again, except Ron who had turned an unflattering shade of red. "Well go on then, what's your bloody news."

"Were having a baby! Fleurs four months along now." At bills words everyone jumped up and began hugging the happy couple. 

After atleast another hour of catching up everyone began to settle in for the night. "Well I think I'll take my leave then." Hermione stood from her chair at the table. 

"What? No, 'Mione stay here." Ginny grabbed her best friend to keep her there. 

"Yeah Hermione, you cant seriously go back to that muggle house alone for the first time."

"Okay first off Ron, its not just some muggle house, its my childhood home and due to recent events, my house now. I have a lot to do in it now and want to get an early start so it's just easier if I wake up there. Good night everyone, I'll write soon." and with that Hermione apparated to her childhood bedroom.

Long lost twins.Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz