Movie Night

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"Alright, Harry and Gin should be here any minute, you guys get the snacks?"

Pansy looked up at Hermione from where she sat on the couch, "We did but why these specific ones? and who taught you to pop corn like this?"

Hermione laughed, "Its just what muggles eat when they're watching movies, have you tried the popcorn yet?"

"No you said it was for the movie." Blaise said in a teasing tone with an eyebrow raised.

Hermione rolled her eyes and smiled, "Well you can eat it before too. Pass me some of the popcorn with dill on it." she said as settled on to the couch between Draco and Pansy.

"There you guys are! This place has way to many rooms." Ginny said as she entered the room excitedly dragging Harry behind her by the hand. "I was really confused when you invited us to this movie thing but Harry explained it to me and I'm so excited!"

Hermione and Harry laughed and looked at one another, "Purebloods." They said together.

"Harry you know about these? Do all muggles?" Blaise asked as he walked in with a tray of drinks.

"Oh yeah, the cousin I lived with growing up practically lived in front of the tv's they had." Harry said shaking his head as he sat on the love seat with Ginny.

Pansy looked between Harry and Hermione, "It blows my mind how much muggles have that we don't. Like you two have lived in two worlds, still do to a point I suppose."

"Oh they totally do! they get together to have 'muggle days' at least once or twice a month." Ginny laughed.

"Oooo that sounds fun!" Pansy said excitedly, "How does one do a muggle day?"

"Well," Hermione started, "We cant use any magic unless its an absolute emergency."

"You have to stay in muggle areas." Harry continued.

"And you have to do at least one thing that witches and wizards can't." Hermione finished.

Draco turned to look at Hermione, "What do you mean something witches and wizards can't do."

"Well not so much something they can't do just something they don't do, like going to a movie." Harry suggested.

Hermione nodded in agreement, "Or going to an arcade."

"Or the zoo! We should go back there on our next one." Harry said with a chuckle.

Blaise jumped up, "We have zoo's!"

Hermione and Harry both looked at the older wizard with shocked expressions, "Really?!"

"Yeah, they have everything from phoenix's to different types of dragons," he started before Pansy cut him off.

"Only until they reach a certain age of course."

"Well yeah but they're still there," Blaise told her with an eye roll, "They have mermaids, hippogriffs. Everything."

Harry looked beyond confused, "Wait, mermaids? How?"

"They volunteer, by staying in the zoo's for a couple days or weeks even, they get to see us too." Pansy offered proudly. She loved knowing things the golden trio members didn't, even if they were friends now.

Draco smiled, sharing Pansy's excitement a little, "Mermaids live in the lake by Hogwarts and still most of them never seen humans until you guys went down there in the Tri Wizard Tournament."

"I've never actually thought about it like that before. Maybe we should have a magic day instead of a muggle day Plus it's not like I actually got to see them." she said to her chosen brother.

"Yeah, you'd think being submerged in this world since we were eleven would have given us enough time to know these kinds of things." Harry replied.

"Hello my darlings." Jean called from the doorway where she stood with Narcissa. "Hermione, can we borrow you for a moment."

Hermione smiled at her mother, "Of course," as she got up she turned to her group in the room, "When I get back were watching a movie, you guys should pick one now and Harry can set it up."

As Hermione got to the door, the two older witches moved to let her walk through and then began walking down the hall. "Hermione," Jean began, "I know we told you we would start off with a mock ball to start you off but our guest list seems to keep growing, you know how people talk."

"And we were hoping we could get ahead of this and make it seem like it was our intention to have this ball as a sort of coming out for you." Narcissa finished.

"So we'll invite a bunch of people and have a real ball? Who would we invite?" Hermione asked as they walked.

Jean and Narcissa exchanged a hopfull look before Jean continued, "Well, that all depends on how many people your comfortable with."

Hermione paused and turned to look at the two older witches who were a step behind her, "How many people do you normally have at one of your parties? Like for New Years, how many people are usually here?"

Narcissa tried to hide a smile as she spoke, "The familes we still associate with from the sacred twenty-eight, some co-workers and business associates, old friends from school, friends of our children."

"For New Years we usually have around two hundred people." Jean spoke softly, hoping she wouldnt scare her daughter to much.

"Okay, sounds good." Hermione said with her best smile.

"Wait what?" Narcissa asked with wide eyes.

Hermione laughed, "Don't take this the wrong way, but I want to use this to show everyone that even though I was raised by muggles, Im still good enough to be a witch and a part of this family." she tried to smile with her eyes as she finished on the serious note.

"Im so proud of you baby girl." Jean said as pulled her daughter into a hug.

"This ball is definitly going to be our best one yet." Narcissa said through her very Slytherin smirk.

Hermione walked back to the tea room turned tv room and joined her friends right as Dirty Dancing was starting. As she approached the couch, she smiled at the Slytherins and Ginny's facial expressions of pure joy and wonder. Harry was doing the same as his best friend by watching his girlfriends face as excitement danced across it. When Harry caught Hermione's eye he winked and smiled back at her.

As Hermione neared the couch, Draco lifted his arm and the blanket they had drapped over their laps so she could sit between him and Pansy again.

Together the six young adults watched movies, ate junk food and laughed the night away. Hermione and Harry felt a sense of pride in the fact that they introduced the four purebloods to something from the muggle world that they loved so much.

Everything was looking up for the witches and wizards who were forced to grow up to fast due to the war that struck their world and for even just a little while they got to relax and act like kids again.

Long lost twins.Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora