Catching Up

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"Well Granger," Draco said with a truly Slytherin smirk, "Your secrets out. I knew there was a reason I could never beat you academically."

"Like she didn't spend every available moment studying." Ginny said with an eyeroll. "Do you have any idea how many times we had to literally drag her away from the library?" 

"At least she went there instead of turning her room into a library like Draco did. Every year, right from day one he had piles of books stacked around and on his bed." Blaise said as he playfully shoved his best friend. 

"You kids don't see it now, but when you have children of your own you'll pray they will have the desire to learn like these two." Molly said with a smile on her lips as she ushered Hermione into a chair at the table. 

"My thoughts exactly Molly." Narcissa said as she grabbed a plate and glass for the young curly haired witch. 

Jean chuckled with the two older witches, "I always hoped Draco's ambition to be the top of the class would rub off on Blaise," She sighed, "Unfortunately I think Blaise's wild side passed onto Draco instead."

"Oh come now Jean, your son made sure we spent our free time at Hogwarts having fun, that's got to account for something." Pansy teased. 

"Well a few more OWLS wouldn't hurt." Jean said to the raven-haired girl while she looked at her son. Turning to Hermione her voice softened, "What can we get you my dear? Some fruit, breads, the chicken?" 

Hermione looked around the table, taking everything in. Blaise had truly outdone himself; he managed to get a full spread of fruits, vegetables, different types of breads, sliced of meats, a few blocks of cheese and a whole cooked chicken. "I don't even know where to start."

"Well lets start with this," Draco said as he took out his wand and walked to the table. With a quick wave of his wand, everything shrunk down to bitesize pieces. "Now you can eat more, AND everything still has the same number of nutrients and calories."

Hermione smiled up at the blonde wizard beside her, "Draco that's brilliant! Thank you." she blushed when he smiled back. 

"Don't forget this." Harry said handing her one of the blue potions the healer left on the bed.

"Thank you Harry." Hermione said softly before throwing it back like a shot. 

"Are you kidding? With how you took care of Ron and I during the war I should be waiting on you hand and foot for the rest of your life." Harry said with a laugh as he sat on Hermione's other side. 

Ginny laughed behind them, "It wasn't just during the war love, Hermione kept you two alive and passing your classes since the start of first year." everyone joined in her laughter. 

"As much as I hate to admit it, it's true." Harry smiled over to the girl he saw as a sister for years, "Even when you were petrified you found a way to help us." 

Pansy laughed so hard her head flew back and her whole body shook, "I love it!" she took a deep breath, "She was literally frozen," she laughed some more, "And she still did all the work!" Pansy finally laughed so hard she had to sit down. Blaise, Draco and Ginny laughed with her while Harry and Hermione tried to hold back their laughs. 

The group continued to talk and laugh while Hermione ate her fill. It was nice to hang out with both sides of her world, although she watched them get along, she still felt like they were separate. 

Even though she had only known the Gryffindors since she was eleven, it seemed like they had always been in her life. She knew she could rely on them no matter what, they would always be there for her. 

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