Failed Apparation

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Blaise waited by the fireplace in the library for his friends to show up, he didn't know when Pansy would come but he knew Draco would be over soon in hopes of spending more time with Hermione. 

Before long, the red flames of the fire turned green and Draco walked through them wearing dark jeans and a grey button up shirt. Pansy followed moments later in a black off the shoulder maxi dress and heels. 

"Where's Hermione?" Pansy asked looking around the room. 

Blaise chuckled, "Nice to see you too Pans, I'm doing great, thanks for asking!" he said in a sarcastic tone. 

"Oh shush Zabini, you know it's always a pleasure, I'm just looking forward to getting to know your sister." Pansy said as she took a seat on the chaise lounge chair.

"I have to admit I'm a little surprised at how nice you've been towards her." Draco said taking a seat in the armchair next to the lounge Pansy was in. 

Pansy scoffed, "I was never mean to the girl, I only called her a mudblood like twice in all the time we were in school and that was only to keep up appearances. I never went out of my way to bully her, Draco" she raised an eyebrow in the blonde's direction. 

Before Draco could say anything, Blaise cut him off, "Oh Pansy didn't you hear? Draco only did that to hide his love for her." 

Pansy's eye's went huge as she looked from one boy to the next, "I knew it!" she squealed with pleasure.

"No you didn't." Draco said feeling rather annoyed with his friends.

"I did! You never dated anyone in school, always got jealous when she did, and you spent way too much time staring at her to not have feelings for her!" Pansy sat up straighter, "Oh god, I have to get close with her soon!" 

"Why?" both boys asked. 

"So I can be a bridesmaid at your wedding!" Pansy exclaimed before her and Blaise burst out laughing and Draco blushed. 

Before the blonde could tell his friend off, one of the house elves appeared in front of Blaise, "Master! Someone tried to apparate into the house!"

"What? Who?" Blaise asked jumping to his feet.

"Eggsie doesn't know master, they splinched in the woods south of the house."

Blaise looked grim, "Pansy go check on Hermione, she should be in the shower in the spare room you usually use. Draco come with me, we'll check it out!" he barked walking to the door. "Eggsie, get the medical supplies and meet us in the woods."

The boys apparated to the woods south of the house where intruders usually landed if they tried to apparate into the manor while the wards were up. When they got to the small clearing, both Blaise and Draco froze for a second when they saw Hermione lying in the grass, covered in blood and unconscious. 

Draco took out his wand and went to her side, ignoring the fact that he was kneeling in her blood to check her pulse. Blaise went for the gash that ran down her right thigh and started casting healing charms on it to stop the bleeding and close the wound. 

Draco found her pulse and let out the breath he was holding in, it was weak but still there. He looked down and seen her hoodie was soaked so he removed it with his magic and gasped when he seen her chest. She had a large gash that stretched from the base of her neck to her shoulder and another one running down her chest between her breasts. Focusing on her neck first, Draco stopped the bleeding quickly and moved down to do the same to her chest. Neither were bad enough to kill her, but the blood she'd lost was terrable. 

A crack behind them made both boys look up and relax a little when they seen Eggsie holding a black box. Draco turned to grab it and set it on the other side of Hermione's head so him and Blaise could both take what they needed. 

Pansy arrived as Draco was pouring a blood replenishing potion in Hermione's mouth. The raven-haired girl gasped before dropping in front of Blaise to ask what he wanted her to do. 

"Go get my mom, she's with Narcissa." he said without looking up from his work.  

Pansy nodded her head quickly before disappearing to find the two older witches. Neither Blaise or Draco said anything as they performed healing charms over the broken witch's body. Draco poured a few more potions down her throat to help with the blood loss and pain before turning to Blaise. 

"Let's get her inside mate." Draco whispered in a raspy voice. 

Blaise nodded once before grabbing Hermione's leg and apparated them into the room she was going to shower in. Draco let go of her hand and ran to the bathroom to get water and face cloths. 

Blaise removed the now ripped pajama pants from Hermione's body with his magic and started looking for any other injuries. Draco sat on the bed beside Hermione and started wiping some of the blood off her pale skin. Not finding any more damage, Blaise grabbed the second towel Draco brought and followed suit in cleaning her up. 

Neither Blaise or Draco heard the door open but both felt their blood run cold when they heard the screams of their mothers as they took in the sight of Hermione. 

"Out, both of you." Pansy demanded as he approached the bed. 

Both boys looked up with fire in their eyes to argue but Pansy put her hands up and spoke again, "We need to remove the rest of her clothes and make sure you two got all her injuries. I'll take care of her, go get cleaned up." 

Jean and Narcissa got to the bed as Pansy finished talking and shooed their sons away so they could take their places.

"I gave her two healing potions, two pain dimmers and three blood ones." Draco said to his mother before turning for the door.

Blaise and Draco slowly retreated to Blaise's room next door to wait for news. Blaise walked to the bed, sat down and stared at the wall. Draco walked to the bar cart by the window and poured two fire whiskeys before going to his best friend. 

Draco sat beside Blaise, gave him his drink and joined him in staring at nothing.

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