First Family Dinner

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Walking into the dining room, the group seen all the adults were already seated at the long table waiting for them. Narcissa was at the head with her husband Lucius on her right; on his right was Philip and beside him was Rosily, beside her was Jean Zabini. On Narcissa's Left was Arthur and beside him was his wife Molly, with their son Charley seated between her and George.

Pansy didn't hesitate to take the seat beside Jean, Blaise sat next to her and Draco took the seat at the end on the other side of him. Ron naturally went to join his family with Ginny who took his other side with Harry in tow to sit across from Draco. Hermione was the last to sit and took the only empty seat which was at the very end across from Narcissa. Although it was weird sitting between Harry and Draco, she was glad she didn't have to choose a side of the table to sit on.

Hermione was the last to sit and as she did, eight house elves walked in with plates of food. Once everyone had their meal in front of them, Narcissa stood and raised her wine glass in the air, "A toast! To unity, lets take this opportunity to join as one and become friends. The Malfoy's, Zabini's and Parkinson's have always been close, like a family and it would be a pleasure to welcome the Weasleys' and Potters to that family. Thank you Hermione, for bringing us together and opening the door to this new opportunity." she lifted her glass to her mouth as people around the table said things like 'here here', 'to unity' and 'to Hermione'.

Narcissa sat and everyone began eating while small conversations broke out. Narcissa and Lucius spoke with Arthur and Molly, all three Parkinsons drew their attention to Jean as Pansy asked how she was doing. George and Charlie started planning a trip to the next quittage cup which caught Rons attention. Ginny, Harry, Blaise, Draco and Hermione focused on their food until one of them could think of something to say.

Harry was desperate to speak with the Slytheirns across from him to show Hermione he was trying so he stole George's idea and brought up quittage, "Blaise, Draco, are you guys still into quidditch?"

Blaise smiled, "Yes, we were actually thinking about going to the cup this year, if you guys were planning the same, we could all go together?" Draco nodded his head in agreement.

"That sounds great! I really miss playing." Harry smiled at his plate until Ginny smacked his arm.

"You play at the burrow with me Ron and George all the time!"

"Well yes but its not the same when its not a full team babe. And you cant disagree because you've complained about that to me a few times now." He looked at her with a smirk.

"I know what you mean mate, Blaise and I fly together but nothing beats an actual game of quittage." Draco said between bites.

"Wait, just the four of you? Does Hermione keep score or ref?" Blaise asked the couple infront of him.

Ron, George, Charlie, Ginny and Harry all started laughing. "I've never even seen Hermione on a broom let alone actually contributing to a game." Charlie said through his laugh.

"Really? Why?" Draco asked the brunette beside him.

"I just don't like flying. And of everything I have flown on, a broom was the worst." she said looking at her food so no one would see her blush.

"I don't blame you Hermione, I too hate brooms. I'll never understand the love of quittage these two have." Pansy pointed her thumb to the two boys on her right.

"What all have you flown on?" Phillip asked.

Hermione looked up hearing his voice and felt her face heat up even more as she realized everyone had gone quiet and given her their attention. "Well, there was the Hippogriff in third year, then the thestral in fifth year, and then the dragon from Gringotts last year."

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