The Twins Play

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"Blaise do you play any instruments?" Hermione asked when his eyes opened at the silence.

"The violin." he said with a devilish grin.

Hermione got excited again, "Good, then it's your turn to preform big brother."

Before anyone could move, a house elf dressed in Slytherin colors popped into the room. "Mistress Malfoy is here for you madam."

"Oh that's right, can you tell her I will meet her in the new room right away?" Jean asked kindly.

"Yes Mistress." the house elf bowed deeply before apparating to where Narcissa was in the house.

"I'm sorry my darlings but I must go, please stay and enjoy the room until you need to go Hermione." Jean smiled at both her children before leaving to also find Narcissa.

Once the door closed Hermione turned to her brother, "Did she say new room?"

Blaise rolled his eyes, "Yes, although I'm not sure if she added a new one or just redecorated one."

Hermione giggled and turned back to the piano, "I honestly don't think I have ever played such a beautiful piano before." she let her hands wander across the beautifully polished wood as she spoke.

"It's enchanted you know." Blaise spoke as he walked over to the Piano, "Beethoven himself cast a spell on it so it would never lose perfect tune or break, even if it was moved or the room temperature changed."

Hermione closed her eyes and shook her head, "Wait back up," she opened her eyes and focused them on Blaise, "Beethoven was a wizard?" she looked back down at the perfectly polished keys in front of her, "I just played Beethoven's personal piano? Oh Merlin!"

"Yes, and you did a beautiful job," Blaise got up and walked to his violin, "Now what other muggle songs do you know?"

Hermione shrugged, still in awe of learning who previously owned the beautiful instrument, "Quite a few, do you know any?"

Blaise smiled, "A few, I was walking down muggle London and I heard the most beautiful tune being played by a muggle woman with dreads. I asked her about it when she was done, and she told me it was called 'A Thousand Years'. Realizing it was a muggle song, I ran to the nearest music store and got a book of sheet music for muggle songs."

"Oh I love that song!" Hermione smiled, "play it with me."

Blaise's smile grew until it matched Hermione's, "Yes ma'am."

The Zabini twins played in perfect sync, as if they had grown up, side by side in their music room. When they were done with one song, Blaise would call out the name of another song he learned from his Muggle music book.

Hermione couldn't think of a single time she was happier to have a photographic memory than she was in this moment, bonding with her long-lost twin brother.

The two played until the same house elf as before popped into the room to tell Hermione she had fifteen minutes until her date.

"You ready?" Blaise asked as he set his violin back on its stand.

Hermione stood and straightened out her dress, "I am," she smiled, "I was really nervous earlier but playing the piano again actually helped me relax."

"Good, you have nothing to worry about anyway, it's just Draco." Blaise said as the two left the music room and headed to the fluu.

Hermione rolled her eyes, "Easy for you to say, you're not the one going on a date with him."

Blaise chuckled, "True, nor do I want to." he looked down at her, "Dating isn't that bad, just think of it as hanging out with him."

Hermione grunted and let them fall into a comfortable silence as they walked the rest of the way to the main fluu. She knew he was right, but that didn't mean her nerves would listen, this meant too much to both her and Draco.

As they walked into the main sitting room on the first floor Hermione turned to her brother, "Well, wish me luck."

"For what? You're going for a walk not taking your NEWTS." Blaise followed her to the fireplace.

"Well I'm in heels which ups my chances of falling, I've never gone on a date before and last time Draco and I were alone together I made him kiss me. Like physically forced him to kiss me." Hermione grabbed a handful of fluu power and stepped into the fireplace.

Blaise gave her an encouraging smile, "You and I both know you are more than capable to walk in those shoes. I told you, don't think of it as a date, it's just a walk. And don't try to downplay it little sister, that was the best kiss he's ever had. Now take a deep breath, muster up that Gryffindor courage and go get your guy." he winked as he called Draco hers.

"Thank you Blaise." she smiled before dropping the dark powder in her hand and calling out her location.

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