Returning To The Manor

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"How are the potions coming?"

"Your back!" Ginny's face lit up as she greeted her best friend, "We have thirty bottles of blood replenishing potion and thirty of Skele-Grow, we put it in the small vials rather than the big bottles so we can carry them around with us."

Hermione smiled at the young red-head, "Excellent, that should hold us for a while. What are you guys brewing tomorrow?"

"Veritaserum and Pepperup. We're making the list in the order you wrote them." Blaise yelled to his sister from the back of the room where he was putting away the left over ingredients they didn't use.

Jean smiled to her son, "Well after your done cleaning up we'll have supper." Jean left without hearing his response with Narcissa following closely behind.

Bill walked over to Hermione and handed her a list, "This is every member who was sworn in today, a few more are coming tomorrow morning and then I think we have everyone. Dad and George did a great job today."

"This is perfect, I was hoping we could cross it off the list quickly." Hermione looked up from the list of names and smiled at Bill, "Now go home and tell Fleur we all say hello." Bill gave a quick goodbye before doing as Hermione suggested and left.

"So tell us little sister," Blaise started in a teasing tone, "What else is on this list of yours and just how many lists do you have?"

Draco's laugh cut through the room, "I was just wondering the same thing." he winked at his curly haired girlfriend.

"Tease all you want but lists are incredibly helpful for keeping things organized and on track." Hermione tried to stay serious but she couldn't stop the slight grin that took over her lips. "Dinner shouldn't be to long, what do you guys need to do before we can eat?"

Ginny snorted, "Not much, a quick swish and flick and we'll be done!" she hopped off her stool and used her wand to finish up the cleaning. "Let's go!"

Everyone followed Ginny from the room until it was just Draco and Hermione left, "Did you have a good day with everyone here?"

Draco smiled, "I did, and how was spending the day with our mothers?"

"It was good, we got an idea for how to furnish the whole place!" she looped her arm in his so they could leave together, "Molly and I focused on what each room should be and how many beds we could fit in to them while Jean and Narcissa discussed color schemes and old art that would complete the space as they put it."

Draco threw his head back and laughed as he threw his arm around her, "Yeah your going to hear a lot of that until the house is done."

Hermione leaned into her boyfriend and smiled, "It's nice having them be excited about it, I was never really one for estetics and matching couches to wallpaper and carpets." she took a deep breath, "Even my clothes, I dress for comfort and practicality not for whats in style."

"That purple dress you wore for our walk through my families garden was stylish."

Hermione giggled, "That's because Pansy picked it."

Draco chuckled as they walked, "Well, either way, you made it look amazing."

"Don't you mean it made me look amazing?" she asked raising an eyebrow.

Draco stopped and turned Hermione to face him, "No darling, for you are the most stunning thing I have ever seen. You are the one who makes inanimate objects look better, not the other way around."

"Oh Draco, thats the sweetest thing anyones ever said to me." Hermione said through watery eyes and a wide smile. "How did I get so lucky?" she leaned into his chest and embrassed him.

"Oh my love," Draco whispered as he wrapped his arms around her and kissed the top of her head, "I am the lucky one in this relationship."

"Oh there you two are!" Narcissa called from down the hall of where the two young adults stood in one anothers arms, "Dinners ready and everyones waiting on you!"

Hermione giggled into Draco's chest, "Sorry, we're coming!" she yelled without turning away from him. "Shall we?" she spoke softly.

"Of course." Draco winked at her before taking her hand and leading her to the dining room.

Sorry for the short chapter :(

I'll write again soon!

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