Safe House And A Slumber Party

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"Alright! Can any of you guys place a preservation charm that big?" Hermione asked her still shocked Slytherins.

"Did you seriously just make us order of the phoenix members? Won't the others be upset about three Slytherins joining?" Blaise asked with wide eyes.

"Two of whom were death eaters in the last war," Draco added, "I don't see this going over too well babe."

Hermione rolled her eyes, "Bill Weasley, and I are co-leaders so I can add whoever I want. Plus it's my house they're getting so they can suck it up."

"We all took unbreakable vows, if that's not good enough for them then we'll have a problem but until then let's focus on what we can do to help the order," Jean said from her armchair that faced the couch.

Hermione smiled, "Exactly, so don't worry you guys. Now about the fidelius and self-preservation charms."

"It's an old, complicated spell little sister. I think we might have to do some research." Blaise said with a frown.

"My father casts it every time we buy a new place, doing one on your house won't be a problem," Draco said smiling to his girlfriend.

Hermione hesitated for a moment and bit her lip, "Will he be willing to join the order, take the unbreakable vow and come back in time with me?"

"Only one way to find out, do you want to go tonight or tomorrow?" the blonde asked softly.

Blaise raised an eyebrow "Don't they have people over right now?"

Draco grunted, "Ugh, yes. Mind if I hide out here tonight?"

Jean laughed, "Draco you know you're always welcome here. Who did they have over?"

"The Abbotts, Bletchleys and Dippets." Draco scowled.

Blaise cringed and Jean laughed again at the boy's reactions. "Are they really that bad?" Hermione asked.

"Yes!" the boys said together while Jean shook her head, "Purebloods like to push their daughters into marriages. Many of the 28 families will use dinners like the one Narcissa had tonight to dress up and show off their girls in hopes of them marrying well. Last time we ate with the Dippets their twin girls practically glued themselves onto either side of Blaise."

"It was horrible," Blaise said with a grim expression as he thought back to the dinner.

"Wait," Hermione yelled and looked at Draco, "Are your parents trying to get you to upgrade?"

Draco laughed at her livid expression, "Of course not, mother had her lady lessons with the three wives in attendance so we have these dinners at least twice a year. It gets worse every time and I'm not letting you get out of it again." he leaned forward and kissed her forehead.

Everyone laughed at Draco's statement until they were interrupted by a horse patronus that galloped into the room and stopped in front of Hermione, "We know who set fire to your house. Check on the wards at the manor and DONT leave." Ginny's voice carried throughout the room before the horse faded away.

Everyone was quiet after Ginny's sobering warning until Blaise stood from the couch, "Draco close off the floo from everywhere except your place and Pansy's, I'm going to check the wards and make sure no one but us can come onto the property without an invitation."

Both boys left the room and Hermione got up to go to her mother. Jean stood up and embraced Hermione in a warm hug, "Don't worry my girl, we're safe here." Jean said as she gently rubbed her daughters back.

"My time turner can only go back so far, if we don't make it back in time then we'll have to rebuild the house for real." Hermione started to panic as she thought about all the ways things could go wrong.

"Just breath baby girl, I'm sure it won't be long now that they know who started the fire. They'll get them." Jean's soft voice did wonders to calm the young witch.

"Alright," Blaise said as he and Draco walked back into the room, "everything has been checked and double-checked, nothing to worry about little sister."

Hermione pulled away from her mother and wiped the tears from her face, "Thanks you guys, I'm so sorry about all this."

Draco and Blaise looked at each other with confused expressions, "Why are you apologizing?" Blaise asked.

"Love this is in no way your fault, you have nothing to be sorry for," Draco said pulling her into his arms. Hermione nodded into his chest as she let him hold her but she didn't say anything.

Jean broke the silence with her soft mom voice, "I think it's time for bed my darlings, it's been a long day and we have work to do tomorrow."

Everyone agreed and walked up the stairs together to go to their bedrooms, Jean and Blaise walked up first while Hermione followed with Draco's arm around her waist. As they reached the top of the stairs, Jean smiled and said goodnight before she walked down the East wing to her room while the three young adults walked down the West hall.

When they got to their rooms, Blaise kissed her forehead and said good night before going into his room to give Hermione and Draco privacy.

Draco pulled her back into his embrace once the door to Blaise's room shut, "If you need anything tonight don't hesitate to come wake us okay? I'm here for you baby." he lowered his head to kiss her curls.

"I won't, I promise." she turned her head up to return his kiss, "I love you Draco Malfoy."

"I love you too Hermione." he kissed her once more before letting her go into her own room. Once her door closed, Draco walked into Blaise's room and seen his best friend walk out of his walk-in closet wearing Slytherin pajama pants and a sleeveless white shirt.

"How is she?" Blaise asked as he walked to the desk in his room.

Draco let out a deep breath, "I think she's okay but I also think she's put on a brave face so many times in the past that she's gotten too good at it." Draco said as he walked to the closet to get similar pajamas that he kept in one of the drawers of Blaise's closet.

Blaise didn't speak again until Draco walked back into the room and sat at the desk with him. Blaise had already poured two glasses of fire whiskey and was staring into his, deep in thought.

"How worried should we be?" Draco asked before taking a sip of his drink.

Blaise shrugged, "Honestly mate, it's hard to say with everything she's been through. She talks up all the adventures she's been on but no one should have to face most of the things she has."

Draco nodded in agreement and before long, the boys were several drinks in and had talked about Hermione for an hour. A soft knock on the door caused both boys to sober up rather quickly. Draco silently got up and walked across the room to open the door and find a very shy looking Gryffindor.

"I can't sleep," she said looking down at her feet, "can I stay in here with you guys?"

Draco chuckled and nodded as he pulled Hermione into the room. "Of course love, I think this git's bed is big enough for the three of us."

Blaise perked up when he saw Hermione's smile, "Are we having another slumber party little sister?" he smirked.

Hermione giggled, "Yes big brother, if that's okay with you of course."

"Always, now get into bed so we can go to sleep." Blaise threw back the rest of his drink before walking to the kingsized bed, "No funny business you two, It'd be a shame if I had to hex you both onto the floor."

"Blaise Sterling Zabini I'm offended you would even think such awful things of us!" Hermione said as she tried and failed to pout before crawling under the very plush comforter that covered the bed.

Draco laughed loudly, "You have nothing to worry about mate, I swear to be a perfect gentleman as I spoon your little sister." he winked at his girlfriend while his best friend rolled his eyes and turned his back to the two.

Once everyone was settled comfortably in the large bed, Blaise lifted his wand and turned off the lights. Once his head hit the pillow in the darkroom he fell asleep and started to snore softly.

Hermione wiggled her back into Draco's front and instantly relaxed. "Sleep now my girl, I've got you." the blonde whispered into her hair before joining his fellow Slytherin in sleep.

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