Both Homes and Both Families

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Hermione stood in front of her full-length mirror, second guessing the eighth outfit she decided on for tonight when she heard the fireplace come alive downstairs. Running down to meet everyone, Hermione heard the Weasleys gasp at the emptiness of the house as they arrived one by one.  

"'Mione, why didnt you tell us you had nothing?" Harry all but yelled as he headed for the kitchen to see if that was empty as well. 

"We have to go shopping tomorrow, my best friend cant have nothing." Ginny's eyebrows were practically at her hair line. 

"Don't worry dear, we'll help you get some furniture in this place." Mrs. Weasley pulled Hermione into one of her sad mom hugs. 

"Okay everyone stop! I know this place looks sad, but Mrs. Malfoy pointed out that now I get to decorate it exactly how I want and really make it my own so don't feel sorry for me. Also, I have more than enough money in my vault, so I don't need help." Hermione was starting to stress out. 

Charlie came  stepped through the green flames in the fire place and looked around with a sad expression on his face, "Charlie I swear to God if you say anything about how empty my place is I will hex you back to Romania!" Hermione yelled before he could get a word out, causing him to raise his hands as if you say, 'I'm innocent'. 

Harry came back into the room and looked around, "Well were just waiting on Ron now and then we can go."

Before Hermione could ask, Ron walked into the room and looked around. "Wow, 'Mione, your parents didn't leave you anything eh?" 

"Why are you here? I thought you didn't want anything to do with this?" Hermione crossed her arms and glared at the youngest Weasley brother. 

Ron looked down at his shoes, "Well I didn't want to be the only one who wasn't there for you, so I came too."

"Okay well its almost seven so lets go, but I swear if you so much as make a rude comment to the people there I will never speak to you again Ronald Weasley." Hermione moved to the middle of the room as she spoke and held out her hands, "We're apparating so everyone grab someone else and hold on tight."

Once everyone was holding hands with someone else in a circle, Hermione closed her eyes and focused on the location Mrs. Malfoy gave her. A few moments and one loud crack later and they were all standing outside the largest manor she had ever seen. 

No one moved first so Hermione took a deep breath and reached for the large snake knocker on the wooden door in front of her. 


Twenty minutes earlier inside the Zabini residence.

"Alright, lets go over this one more time." Jean Zabini said looking around the room at everyone who came to support her family. "Where are the boys?" 

"Here mother." everyone turned to see Blaise and Draco walking down the stairs towards the room they were waiting in. 

Once the boys entered the room and sat on the love seat Narcissa spoke up, "Now that everyone's here, I think it's time to tell you who it is were expecting."

"Why? We're going to find out in fifteen minutes." Draco said looking at the Rolex on his wrist. 

"Because its someone you went to school with and it's going to be a bit of a shock. In fact, everyone in this room knows her, or atleast of her." Narcissa looked around nervously, "Its Hermione Granger."

"WHAT?" Both boys jumped out of their seats and yelled.

"That mudblood your sister tortured in Malfoy Manor?" Phillip asked.

"No, mother tell me your joking! It can't be Granger."

"We bullied her all throughout our time in Hogwarts." Blaise whispered with guilt all over his face. 

"She hates us!" Pansy yelled. 

"Okay I know this isn't off to a great start, but we have all changed since the war, we just need to show her that and all will be fine." Narcissa spoke to the room but looked at Jean. 

"Mother," Draco sat down again, "Didn't you say she was bringing her family with her?" 

Narcissa looked over to her son, "Yes, she didn't want to feel alone here seeing as she isn't exactly friends with any of you kids."

"She's and only child with muggle parents, I expect she'll bring scar head and the weasel family with her instead." Draco had to stop himself from laughing, this just kept getting worse and worse. 

"Well we can't change the things we did in the past, but we can try to make a good future with her. Let's just stay positive and maybe we can still win her over." the room got eerily quiet with Pansy's oddly insightful words. Before anyone could say anything there was three soft knocks on the door. 

Narcissa silently walked to let the guests in while everyone else practically held their breath. Jean walked over to the love seat and dragged Draco and Blaise to their feet before looking them over to make sure their clothes didn't have any wrinkles. 

When the door opened everyone froze on both sides of it except for Hermione and Narcissa who smiled to one another and at the same time looked over the othe'rs shoulders to see what awaited them.

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