The Fire

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Draco sat at the table in his family's dining room trying so hard to be a good host to his parent's guests but all he could think about was Hermione. Narcissa invited her to join them but she opted to go see her Gryffindorks and now Draco wished he had gone with her.

Each of the three families invited to Malfoy Manor for the evening had daughters around his age and for whatever reason, the only thing these four girls wanted to do was flirt. Draco answered everything they said to him with quick, short answers and they still didn't catch his disinterest.

When one of the girls winked at him from across the table, Draco silently swore he would never do this again without Hermione. Draco spent most of the second course thinking of an excuse as to why he had to leave early but was cut off by his best friend bursting through the doors.

"Blaise?" The three Malfoys asked in unison.

"Is Hermione here?" he yelled, panic clear in his voice.

Draco stood, "No she's with the Gryffindorks, why what's wrong?"

Blaise shook his head, "She's not, Harry said her house burning down and we can't find her."

Without another word, Draco ran to his best friend and apparated the two of them to the muggle street Hermione grew up on.


Hermine apparated just outside the Zabini front gates and began her slow walk up to the large manor she was starting to call home. Every time she had gone to Zabini Manor, she had floo'd or apparated with someone so she'd never actually seen the outside of her new family home before.

The house was beautiful, and although she would never understand why one family would need such a large place, she had to admit she loved it. As she walked, Hermione couldn't help but wonder if she should just move in and turn her house into a safe house for the Order. Now that Harry and Ginny were living in Grimmauld Place permanently, they would need a new headquarters if something should happen.

She knew Jean and Blaise wouldn't object to her moving the last of her few possessions into the manor and she could still take Jean and Narcissa shopping to fill the safe house with furniture.

As Hermione reached for the front door, it flew open and Jean pulled her into a painfully tight hug. Neither of the witches spoke as they held on to one another and Jean cried into her daughter's shoulder. Right before Jean grabbed her, the young witch could see the relief on her mother's face so she didn't think anything bad had happened and she just let her mother cry it out.

After Jean got her breathing under control she loosened her grip and looked at her daughter, "I was so scared you were still in that house and I had lost you again."

"What house? What happened?" Hermione became worried, "Is Blaise okay?"

Jean nodded, "Come in dear, I sent a patronus to tell Blaise you were here when I saw you walking up."

"Okay but seriously what happened?" Hermione asked only to be cut off by Blaise, Draco and Harry apparating into the room together.

Harry got to her first and pulled her into the same bone-crushing hug Jean had her in earlier, "'Mione we were so scared." he whispered into her hair before pulling away so Blaise could take his place.

"Okay needs to tell me what the hell is going on!" she yelled into Blaise's chest.

Blaise let her go and Draco grabbed her like everyone else in the room had, "No one knew where you were and the firemen were still trying to get the fire under control when we got Jean's patronus. We didn't know if you were alive or not Hermione, where the hell were you?" Draco loosened his grip just enough to pull her to one of the couches in the room.

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