23. The belt

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This is a new sexual paradigm for me, pushing into a realm where I'd never been.

Previous partners could never handle such punishment. The spanking, sure. A couple of licks of the belt? Maybe.

The tenth lash brought up a fresh welt and another cry of pain. And again, after a pause to let it soak in, she began to moan and rub across my cock.

"Mmmm sir mmmmm."

That's the other thing. Sir. Not something I'd previously sought out or expected. But it gave me a new feeling of power. An indescribable aura.

She was so right. Tonight was the fuck of my life. Correction. Fucks. Plural.

Any hint of tiredness that either of us may have felt is being tortured out of her arse checks.


I had to check her wetness again. It was something else. Soaking my thighs. And tasting delicious with each sample.

Between lashes, I also liked to wander my fingers across the redness. I hoped it provided a level of soothing and comfort for her. So that she could relax into the next.


A nice dozen. We weren't going to make two dozen. I wanted to leave a permanent memory, not a permanent injury.

It was time to slowly put that wetness to use. I began to trail it up towards her arsehole. My finger lingering, swirling.


Back again. A gentle insertion. Allowing the muscle to relax, and finding Grace gently lift her hips to greet more of my finger inside.


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