14. So much moisture

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Jesus fucking Christ this man knows what he's doing. All inhibitions had gone out of the window and I was now pretty much fucking the face of a man I had met half an hour ago.

The second orgasm was building a little slower than the first, but it was more powerful and I could feel it start in my fucking toes. I wanted more. More of his fingers inside me. More of his tongue on my clit. More of his hand on my nipple. Just fucking more of him.

I reached down and grabbed his hair and he growled at me. Fucking growled. It was too much and shoved me right over the edge. My toes curled almost painfully, and my back arched so far that it came off the couch completely. I screamed his name as I realised this was no ordinary orgasm.

I could feel the juices squirting out of me, and it felt fucking incredible. Wave after wave hit me and I thought I was never going to come down from this high. After the final contraction of my cunt, I collapsed back down onto the couch, my whole body sweaty and aching. I un-tensed muscles I didn't even realise I was tensing.

Adams head came up from between my legs. His face was soaking. My cum was dripping down his chin. Yeah, that had definitely been a big one.

Fuck. How's this going to go...


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