8. The interruption

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Jesus Christ, why does she always do this? You'd think she'd be happy that the other 99% of men wanted her, couldn't she leave me one?!

It took everything in me to peel my body away from Adam. I turned round to face her, immediately missing the warmth of his body. My skirt had came up slightly and my chest was heaving with being out of breath slightly from the best fucking kiss I had ever had.

"Can I help you with something?" I said, while giving her my best, I'm going to kick your arse look.

She looked me up and down and tutted. "You're making an arse of yourself, Grace. God, you are so embarrassing. Your lipstick is smudged and your tits are basically out. You need to sort yourself out!"

I rolled my eyes and was about to ignore her and turn back to Adam, when I noticed there were a LOT of eyes on us. Maybe she was right, maybe I was making a fool of myself. I turned to Adam.

"Excuse me a minute," I said, and made a quick exit to the bathroom.

I kicked open the door, just about ready to punch a wall, and leaned on the bathroom sink, looking into the mirror. Sarah was right, my lipstick was smudged. But it was hot. My lips were slightly swollen and bright red, my face was slightly flushed and my eyes had gone really dark, almost navy.

I took a step back from the mirror so I could see myself properly. My tits were pushed up, a bit more than they were at the start of the night, but there's not much I can do to keep them at bay, they're too big. Never had much complaints about them before though. I pulled the hem of my skirt down a bit, it barely covered by big ass anyway. I work out, I know my body isn't perfect but the more I looked at it, the more I liked about it.

Right, fuck Sarah. I'm going to go out there and I'm going to drag that fucking gorgeous Australian out of here, then I'm going to fuck him until he never forgets me. My pussy is so fucking wet already, I can't imagine how i can be anymore turned on. The flimsy lacy material I was wearing underneath the skirt wasn't doing anything to save me. I gave myself a wink in the mirror and left.

I stepped out of the bathroom and scanned the bar for Adam. Ah, there he is. Sitting at the bar. With Sarah on his lap...


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