9. Sprung

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Oh no oh on oh no ... "Excuse me a minute." What does that mean? I'll be back in a minute and then let's go fuck? I'm going to hide until you leave? Should I have followed her? Yeh, right dickhead, that last one would have been a winner.

All of this flashed through my brain and was a boner killer. I glanced around and saw most people start minding their own business again. Except for an elderly couple who were staring at me in contempt.

Not Sarah. She put on a vacuous "come fuck me" smile and started making small talk. I did my best to brush off her introduction and questions. She was pathetic.

How could I make it clearer that she should just piss off? I'm not usually that blunt: don't like to hurt people's feelings. But she was sorely testing me.

After a couple of minutes, I thought I'd throw on a "listen, I'm really tired" move by yawning and stretching, hoping that'd send a signal.

As soon as I did, with my arms up and eyes closed, she giggled (again!) and climbed onto my lap, immediately throwing her arms around me.

Fuck. The. Timing.

My eyes sprung open, and I saw Grace walk back into the room. She stopped. Stunned. The look of disappointment was profound.

I was about to shove Sarah off, but I was too slow. Grace simply shook her head, and walked towards the exit door.

That fired me up and I leapt to my feet. Sarah went sprawling.

Grace was just outside the door when I reached for her arm. "Grace!" I said urgently.

She turned slowly. There was a single tear rolling down each cheek.


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