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"I'm working from home—there's not a discussion to be had," Yanni rolled her eyes on the phone with one of her supervisors

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"I'm working from home—there's not a discussion to be had," Yanni rolled her eyes on the phone with one of her supervisors.

"You have other clients to attend to—one of whom is in the middle of the playoffs. Just because you are dating one doesn't mean the other isn't taken care of," he said. Very obviously trying to check her.

"In case you hadn't be watching ESPN—the Giants are out of the playoffs as of yesterday, and that ended Kamden's season. Another glaring piece of news you're choosing to neglect is that Amere—my fiancé completely tore his ACL. He currently cannot walk up and down stairs, so if I have to do a few Skype meetings and answer some emails from my office at home, I will do that. My client needs me, you have a good day," she rolled her eyes again and hung the phone up.

This was the third time she'd had a call of this nature and she was tired. Everyone kept assuming she was just leaving Kam in the dust to care for Amere—as if she wasn't aware of how to multitask and get her job done. She despised when she was so blatantly underestimated.

It had been a week and a half—ten days since Amere was hurt, and she was watching over him every second—she was very anxious for him. Not only physically but mentally.

"Hey baby," Yanni said softly, re-entering their spare bedroom. "You sleep okay?" she walked over to the bed, kissing his forehead. He nodded, leaning up to look at her. She sent a small smile his way and he returned it—although it wasn't his usual big smile she'd come to love.

"Wanna get up? We can go in the living room, if you want?" she offered, looking around for his crutches. She had been helping him around the house, usually just when he left the room which wasn't too often unless someone came to visit. They were both sleeping downstairs for now—probably until after his surgery. She didn't want him taking chances because they had lots of steps.

"Uh—nah, I'a be aight in here. Thank you," he nodded to her, laying his head back on the pillow, bringing the covers back up over his body, showing her that today probably wouldn't be a great one.

"Okay," she replied. "You hungry? I can make you something," she asked hopefully. She knew he was probably in pain and only wanted his meds, but he had to eat something first.

"A lil bit," he said. Yanni released a short sigh of relief before telling him she'd be back with something for him and to call if he needed her, and she rushed out of the room to go make him whatever she could find.

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