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"Oh wow," Yanni gasped as they opened the back patio to their house in Grenada. They had landed about two hours ago and were just now able to pause and take in the scenery, which was absolutely breathtaking, even in the darkness. "This is gorgeous, Bubba, look," she turned around and Amere was half asleep in their bed, hands in his shorts and all.

She shook her head, stepping out onto the balcony, leaning on the banister with her head resting on her fist. She honestly couldn't believe the life she was living sometimes. If you told her two years ago she'd be married, and married to an NFL player—her client at that, she'd laugh. Even if you told her she'd be back modeling, managing her on career independently, 24 year old E'ani would not believe it.

"Baby you not tired?" she heard Amere call out to her. She looked back to see him now down to his boxers, getting under the covers. Traveling always zapped all of his energy.

"No, sir. I see you are, though," she chuckled.

"Like hell. So come." He opened his arms and she laughed. "I'm serious,"

"I know, you big baby," she giggled, sliding her shoes off and starting to get undressed.

She thought it was hilarious how he acted as if he could not sleep if she wasn't in the bed with him. She knew lots of couples who always went to bed cuddled up but never woke up that way, but Amere somehow kept his arms around her all night long no matter what position they found themselves in the next morning. He was like Yanni's own personal security blanket.

She got in bed with him, allowing him to wrap himself around her, till he was content. She was comfortable either way—plus this bed was like a dream.

"Gimme kiss," he mumbled to her, and since she was already facing him, it was easy to reach up and press a kiss to his lips twice. "Another one," he smiled and Yanni shook her head playfully but obliged him anyway. Before she knew it they were full on making out in the bed.

"Amere stop," she whined, pulling away while he kept trying to get at her. "Because you're tired and you're gonna make me horny and go to sleep," she rambled, making him laugh.

"Aight, aight I'a chill on you fa' now," he smirked, kissing her forehead. "Goodnight beautiful,"

"Night baby," she smiled, leaning up against his chest, actually feeling more tired than she originally thought.

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