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"It's game day baby!" Yanni gassed herself, literally thirty seconds after she woke up

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"It's game day baby!" Yanni gassed herself, literally thirty seconds after she woke up. She was always excited for the superbowl, no matter who was in it, but this year was special. Not only was this her first ever time going to the superbowl, but her best friend was playing in it.

He refused to let Yanni watch from home, he made sure she was on a flight to Charlotte with him and his family. They all stayed in the same hotel, and were all heading down to Bank of America Stadium together later. Cortez was here as well, and he somehow convinced Joelle to come too, and Yanni was excited to meet her.

She was never this happy to wake up out of sleep, especially when she was having a good dream, but this was important.

"Good morning, Ms. Gina!" Yanni cheesed, giving her a hug. When he told her his family was coming, she expected his mom, siblings, and grandma. But instead, the entire state of Louisiana was on the plane.

Well not really, but coming from someone with a small family, she was shocked at how many people came up to her introducing themselves as his cousins. She also met his aunt, who was really Cortez's mother. She was overwhelmed with greetings and hugs almost immediately.

"Mawnin' pretty girl!" Gina replied. Everyone was getting breakfast from downstairs, they were surprised by the quality of food at their disposal, but then again, Amere did put them up quite nicely. E'ani of course fought with him until he let her pay for her own room, she knew he already had his entire family to pay for, she didn't want to be a burden.

Yanni joined Zahir and Reign at the table they sat at. She loved his siblings, since she was the youngest she never had any, especially after her dad refused to have more kids because in his words 'me and Nita make the best lookin' kids so if she ain't letting me get her pregnant they not getting more siblings'. She never forgot the day she heard her dad say that to her grandpa, before he got married to Vivica of course.

She had talked to her dad recently, and he let her know that he and his wife had been on really thin ice lately. She wasn't surprised, because she knew once Vivica saw the way her dad grew his spine back after being blinded for years, she was gonna be very upset. But, he and her mom were rekindling their strong friendship in the wake of that, and Yanni was side eyeing them like crazy.

She and her brother discussed it, and even though he was still married, they imagined what it would be like if their parents got remarried. They knew it was nothing more than a little fun between them, but she couldn't help but think.

"So, y'all excited?" Yanni asked, eating some of her chocolate chip pancake.

"Yeah," Zahir nodded with a grin on his face. "We all real proud'a him. He got the whole city back home ready fa' this game. You'a neva' see no niggas from Louisiana cheering fa' the Eagles any otha' day," he chuckled.

"Right! I got people comin' up ta' me in school askin' fa' his jersey like baby, I can't help you," Reign laughed.

Yanni was glad to see everyone excited about later, because she surely was grinning and smiling since she opened her eyes.

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