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"Yessir! keep it up," Yanni clapped as Amere ran back towards her across the field.

Just like he wanted, he finished PT and rehab within 4 months, and was back with the Eagles trainers a month after that. These last two months he had started looking like himself on the field again. She still enforced wearing his brace when he wasn't exercising, and taking it easy after workouts, but he was improving and that's all she wanted to see.

After his set, the coach told him to take a break, and he gladly obliged, walking to where Yanni stood. Just like she promised she was on the field with him every week, working any photoshoots or scouting missions she went on around his workouts which were twice a week, three times at most.

"You look good out there, Boudreaux," Yanni nodded, handing him a cold water bottle from her seat. She wore a white t-shirt and nike pro shorts, still dressing as if she was working out with him, instead of watching. Her visor shielded her from the hot August sun and she was made very comfortable by the staff. They kept telling Amere it had been years since they saw a wife this supportive.

He was very aware that she was rare, and he was lucky.

"Thank you, Phat," he bent to kiss her. "You not hot?"

"A little, but we only got fifteen minutes left," she shrugged. "My tan gon be gorgeous, Ima be all golden, lookin' like some good fried chicken," she nodded.

"E'ani shut up," he erupted into laughter. "You stupid. What time is yo' bridesmaids thing?" he wondered. Today, she had an appointment at a bridal boutique so that her bridesmaids could get fitted for their dresses.

"It's at 4, but I might reschedule, Nyx pregnant ass wanna come so bad," she shook her head with a slight chuckle.

"Why she can't?" he laughed. "Don't do my sis, man,"

"I want her to! But she just gon cry when she gets fitted! I told her ass she's gonna be seven months postpartum by the time the wedding comes around. She's gonna drop the baby and even then her body's gonna be changing for a while, but she swear she fat,"

"Dat li' girl doing numbers on Nyx, she don't cry for shit," he chuckled. Nyx was going on 40 weeks pregnant with her baby girl—Tatianna Ivy Prince.

"And is," she agreed. But it'll be okay, when she drop my lil baby, she gon go right back to her mean ass sarcastic ass self,"

"Y'all just alike," he smirked, slapping the bill of her visor lightly.

"Ima beat yo' ass, stop doing that!" she fussed. He did it again and she just swatted his hands away. "Coach! He ready to start! Come get him!" she yelled to Pederson, who just shook his head watching Amere harass her.

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