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"Okay, make sure if anything—call me, I'll be gone for a week and a half, but if anything goes wrong, you make sure and—"

"Don't call ha' ass. I'm throwing the phone away, she not gon answer," Amere chuckled as Yanni talked to Kamden on the phone. They were currently driving to the airport to leave for their vacation. They were headed to Turks and Caicos with Amere's family, Cortez's family and now Yanni's family and Jojo's mom and sister.

The guys figured they'd extend the invitation to their girlfriends—and almost girlfriend's families, just to get to know them better. On Amere's end, he'd only met her dad, and it was one time, before they started dating, so he wanted to make a good impression as her man now.

Yanni was extremely appreciative, especially since her dad had been a little sad as of lately. She was excited for her mom to meet him, and she knew they'd get along.

"Don't listen to him—"

"It's aight," Kam laughed. "Have fun, I'm sure I'll be okay," he nodded.

"I'll make sure he's not late for anything, Yanni!" she heard his girlfriend in the background, making her smile. "Leave it all to me," she appeared in frame, wrapping her arms around Kam's shoulders.

"Thank you boo, keep him right in check," she laughed. "I'll talk to you when I get back," she waved.

"Cool. Y'all have fun," he waved back. She thanked him and they ended the call, and Yanni leaned her head back on the headrest in the truck taking a heavy breath.

"And that's it too, you not workin' from right na', till when we land back, you hea' me? You work too damn much," he chuckled. "You gon relax fa' the next 11 days,"

"Okayyy," she laughed. He was always telling her she worked too much, even when they first started working together last year, and she'd stay late at the office, leave late from a meeting or even have a conference call after 5, he was claiming she needed a vacation.

"You think I'm playing," he chuckled. "If I see you open that laptop Ima pop that ass," he said, turning into the airport parking lot.

"Okay, Amere! I won't," she shook her head, getting ready to get out as he found a spot. "I'm so excited, bubba. My mom been talking about meeting you for a minute now,"

"I'm excited to meet moms. She like you?" he wondered.

"No," she laughed. "My mama is so nice, she's soft spoken and she's all about like...good vibes and shit. She gardens, she's a vegetarian—but i only sometimes, she's really chill. She's like—oh! She has the energy of Jill Scott, people always told me that growing up,"

"This the same lady that beat her ex-husband wife ass?" he chuckled.

"She don't play about her kids. She'll make yo ass eat concrete behind her children," she laughed. "She only ever fought her that one time, she only threatens people...usually," she informed him "But she won't threaten you," she told him, grabbing his hand as they walked into the airport.

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