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As soon as Amere stepped in his house, his phone was ringing

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As soon as Amere stepped in his house, his phone was ringing. He saw it was Cortez and he chuckled, thinking he was about to call and complain about his girl problems.

"Wassam?" he answered, heading up to his room.

"Bro you straight?" he asked, nervous.

"Yeah? I just stepped inna house, Tez. Why?" he answered, now confused at his tone of voice and why he sounded so worried. He sat his bag down at the foot of his bed.

"You talked to yo bi—" he paused and took a deep breath. "You talked to Stefani today? He asked him.

"Nah, why? Nigga why is you asking me so many questions? Wassup witchu?" Amere wondered. It was around 8:30, he had just gotten home from practice. It was literally two days after he landed back home from Los Angeles, and he hadn't had decent rest since. He had a game the day after and he never slept well after games.

"I'm gon send you something dawg. I need you to be calm after you see this shit, if you need me to come over I will," he prefaced, immediately making him suspicious. Without even knowing what was going on, his suspicions were slowly turning into anger.

"What is it?" he asked, ignoring the part about being calm.

"Saint, dawg promise you not gon do no crazy shit—"

"Tez, stop playing wit' me man, send it," he cut him off, making Tez sigh into the phone. He felt a small buzz, and he pulled the phone from his ear, to open the thread. It was a link to a twitter video, and whoever tweeted it simply said 'Damn, hope he straight.'

The preview didn't show much, so he was forced to open it, and he wished he could turn time back so he wouldn't have to see it.

He immediately recognized Stefani's body, he'd seen it enough times. She was on her knees, and by the sound in the video you didn't have to guess twice what she was doing. The camera panned over to finally show her face, and he was disgusted by it. He was tempted to turn it off when he felt anger rising in his chest as the video changed to her on her back, moaning loudly.

He couldn't even stomach watching the rest. He hung up the call with Tez and just stood. He stood in his room, and after a moment he chuckled to himself.

He shook his head and made his way to his basement, finding a bottle of anything, and cracking it open for a shot.

He wasn't even mad at her at this point. He was mad at himself.

He was mad at himself for letting it happen again, letting his heart get the best of him again, letting someone get close to him again, only to be treated like he wasn't worth shit. Again.

At this point he could only fault himself. Obviously, like he thought, it had to be him. Something had to be missing from him for this to continue to happen to him over and over, he just wished he knew what it was. That way maybe he could stop getting walked over, stop getting hurt, stop getting used.

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