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"Sorry I'm late y'all," Yanni huffed, joining her friends at the table. "Had a conference call that ran late," she smiled.

"No problem sis, we only got seated five minutes ago," Sincere waved her off. "That boy Boudreaux got you busy, huh?" she chuckled.

"Girl does he? It's like his agent before ain't do shit but collect a check. You know the ESPY's is in a week and he didn't even know?! Like where was your PR, sir? It's ridiculous," she shook her head. "Enough about work though, how are we today?"

"Good, my poor tootie butt is sick though, so she at home crying her head off. I was so close to staying home but baby daddy said he got her," she sighed.

"Y'all are the cutest lil family, we all knew y'all was gonna have babies when we graduated," Nyx chuckled. E'ani learned that Sincere and her man had been together since they were really young, and everyone knew them in high school. They were like a little married couple.

She had become much closer with Nyx and Roman too. They were both really cool and although Ro didn't talk much, she could always count on him to have sports talk with her when she needed it. They watched games together sometimes, and while Nyx enjoyed football, Yanni and Ro enjoyed it more.

As the girls continued talking, and enjoying the meal, E'ani's phone buzzed. She learned to always check her phone with her new job, because you never knew who was calling. But this time she genuinely regretted it, seeing a text from another unsaved number, knowing it was Devin. She simply blocked and kept it moving.

"What just happened? You look so annoyed," Nyx asked, furrowing up her eyebrows.

"J-just my ex. He...he likes bothering me, I just gotta keep blocking his ass till he gets it," she sighed. "Our breakup was bad and he steady on my line tryna talk," she confessed. She hadn't talked to anybody about him since they broke up and she got him jumped. It weighed heavy on her chest since she literally never got it off.

"Ew, fuck him. What he do?" Sincere asked, lip curled up, already disgusted without knowing any details.

What didn't he do is the question.

"It was a lot...it's kinda a long and depressing ass story, I don't wanna ruin the mood—"

"Chile please, we girls, that's what we here for," Nyx said, causing Sincere to agree.

"Okay...well," she started, taking a short breath. " His name is Devin. We had been together since we were 19, we met in college. Everything was so perfect at first. My parents loved him, he was cool with my brothers and he spoiled me like crazy, we spent so much time together. After our 3rd year being together though, something had changed and I had no idea what it was. His personality just switched up on me. He became extremely cold and unaffectionate, I never understood why.

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