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"Hello?" E'ani whined into the phone

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"Hello?" E'ani whined into the phone. It was too early for anyone to be calling on a Sunday, so that meant it could only be one person.

"Game day Yaya! Get that ass up out that bed!" she heard loudly on the other end. She held the phone back to look and it was in fact Amere blowing her up at 9 in the morning on her day off. "I'on even know why you still sleep, love. You knew what it was ta'day,"

Today was the Eagles first game of the new season. It was September and the NFL was ready to open for business, much to E'ani's delight. She lived for football, clearly.

"Amere, you lucky I can't beat yo' high yellow ass through this phone. I'm glassing the shit out you when I see you," she grumbled.

"No you not, best friend. You talk allat shit, you ain't gon do a damn thang," he laughed. "Anyway, whea' you stay? I'm finna get you," he said. She forgot he'd never been to her apartment.

"Get me for what, Amere? My work day don't start till after this game," she groaned, turning to the other side of her bed, desperately trying to grab hold of the sleep he was destroying for her.

"It's game day E'ani. There's shit we need ta' do. You need a jersey, I need a line and a retwist, like come on best friend, you act like you'n  know season openers the most important day of the year. Now whea' you stay?" he asked again.

"I'll text it to you, Mere, leave me alone, shit," she whined.

"Bye, li' mean ass girl," he chuckled. She groaned loudly  when he hung up and forced herself out of bed, and straight to the bathroom. She texted him her address while she brushed her teeth and washed her face, then quickly hopped in the shower.

After she was all the way washed up and clean, she sat on her bed in her towel, contemplating going back to sleep and just ignoring him, but that'd probably be a bad idea. She wasn't that mean. She and Amere really were like best friends, outside of work and inside. Of course, she showed more professionalism during work, but he still laughed and joked with her on the clock.

He did end up paying her more, but on the side so their contract wouldn't be in danger. He felt like she did way too much to not be compensated for it. She was damn near everything he needed professionally wrapped up in one girl.

She just felt like she was doing her job. But a little extra coin in that savings account never hurt.

After she was dressed fully, she couldn't even sit down for three seconds before Amere texted her saying he was outside. She hopped right back off the couch and sent her friends a text on her way down.

: y'all favorite lil eagle might die before tonight. pray for his ass.

nyx🐞: aye aye! we need that w, please relax.

sincere🦋: right! like think of the city bitch

She chuckled at them as she exited the building, happy he drove his blacked out truck. Last thing she needed was people seeing Amere driving around in North Philly so early.

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