Fire~ Stephen Strange imagine

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   You had visited Kamar-Taj a few years back, completely unknowing that it would change your life forever. You had heard from a colleague at work (Stephen Strange) that it was a place of magic and wonder, and imagined what it would be like to have your old life back.


   "Rochelle! No!" You screamed. You crawled your way over to her. The pain was slowly killing you, but your sister's life was most important than yours at this stage. You checked to see if Rochelle was still breathing, but there was no luck. Still having hope in her, you carried her out of the building, trying your best not to die as well. When you approached the front door, you found your mum and dad standing there, talking to police officers and paramedics rushed over to you. They took your sister out of your arms and placed her on a stretcher. You turned around to see your house bursting up in flames. At that exact moment, you felt your whole body go numb, and you collapsed.

   You awoke to the sound of Christine's voice above you. Your eyes fluttered open, and you took in your surroundings. You were lying in the middle of a hospital ward. How you hated being on this side of the medical system. "Good morning sleepyhead." Your friend whispered. You smiled, giving yourself pains in your Buccinator Muscle (cheek).

"What happened to Rochelle?" You immediately sat bolt upright in your bed.

"Shh... shhh... shhh... Calm down." Christine whispered. She gently pushed your head back onto your pillow.

"Where's my sister?" You hissed, disappointed by the lack of reply. She took a deep breath in before saying

"She got taken away by the morgue earlier on this morning. We're sorry for your loss... I'm sorry." A single tear appeared n your eye and rolled down your cheek, stinging the burns that had appeared.

   "I'm looking for a Kamar-Taj?" You asked random pedestrians in the streets of Hong Kong. It took a while for you to actually get a response, but eventually a hooded figure came along and took you in the direction of your destination.

   Once you arrived at your final stop, the man took off his hood. "Stephen?" You squinted, wondering if you were just seeing things or if the man of your dreams really was standing right in front of you once again.

"D-do I know you?" He asked.

"It's m-me..." You stuttered. Strange squinted a little before finally recognising you.

"(Y/N) it's you! You're alive? I'm sorry I didn't recognise you under all..." He pointed his hand at all of the scars on your body. "This..."

"It's alright. I'm here now." He pulled you into a tight hug. "I'm here."

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