Trust~ Wanda imagine

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   "Guys. Please listen." You begged.

"NO! I looked inside your head and I saw you standing above all living beings. You mean to destroy anybody who stands in your way." Wanda hissed.

"That was then. This is now." You explained "Why don't you understand me? WHY DON'T YOU JUST TRUST WHAT PEOPLE SAY FOR ONCE IN YOUR MISERABLE LIVES?"

"We did trust you." Sam commented, making you feel worse than you already did.

"Look. I'm sorry. Whatever I did, I didn't mean it." You started.

"Whatever you did? You almost killed everybody here at S.H.I.E.L.D! Do you know the lengths we went to to protect you?" Fury stated.

"Not you too Director. I thought you were different. DIFFERENT FROM EVERYBODY ELSE WHO HAS DOUBTED ME ON MY WAY TO VICTORY, BUT NO. You're just the same." You sneered.

"We were only trying to help." Steve tried his best to calm you down, which seemed to have the opposite affect.

"And that's what you're doing now, is it? Not letting me even tell you what's going on." Tears welled up in your eyes, but you didn't bother stopping them being visible to the others.

"In order to remain on our side, I'd suggest keeping your mouth shut." Wanda said. You clenched your fists and gritted your teeth ready to strike. As soon as you pounced, red ribbons of smoke twirled around you.

"What are you doing?" You whispered between gritted teeth.

"I'm sorry." She mouthed in response to your question. You didn't even have time to think of what would happen next. Wanda quickly pushed her hands to the side and you went flying in the same direction. You burst through the window, and went flying down onto the street below. You felt a few bones crack, and blood started seeping from your head.

   You awoke to the sound of weeping coming from somebody next to you. You turned your head to see what it was, and found Wanda sitting in a pastel blue chair with her head in her hands. You tried your best to let her know that you were still alive, but no sound came out. You tried again and managed to form the words "Wanda" and "alright". She looked over to you and you saw her entire face light up.

"(Y/N)! I'm so happy that you're alright." She exclaimed.

"Yeah. Please no more throwing me out of the window?" You teased.

"Okay." Wanda laughed.

   Being with the Avengers again properly was like a dream come true. You had been in the hospital for two weeks, and were still not fully recovered yet, but you were back at home. Where you belonged. People kept asking you if you needed help with anything, which was annoying since you didn't like lots of attention, but asides from that, everything was fine. Things were finally back to the way they used to be.

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