Falling~ Tony Stark Imagine (Part 1)

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   "Harry!" You yelled. He just laughed and kept on running. Your brother Harry had just stolen your phone.

"Who is Isaac?" He teased. You realised that he wasn't looking where he was going.

"Harry!" You warned, but it was too late. He went tumbling head over heels down the stairs and landed on the floor and passed out. Pepper came rushing towards the scene and knelt beside Harry.

"He'll live." She stated sarcastically. "But it is probably best that we take him up to his room. Do you think you can take him?" She asked looking at you.

"Yes Miss Potts." She knew that you had super strength from an incident that had happened a few years ago in a lab.

"Please, call me Mum." She pleaded. Tony and Pepper had taken you and your brother Harry in not long ago. You had appeared in the bad books of Hydra when you had failed one of their missions. Spies were sent to hunt you two down, but then you came across Stark towers. A safe place with people to protect you living there. It was a luxury compared to what you were used to. Peter Parker was also somebody you were 'raised' with.

   "Mr Stark!" You said rushing towards your father figure. "Oh are you alright?" He had just fallen thirty-five feet from the sky. You ripped off the face plaiting on his helmet to reveal blood gushing from his cheek and his forehead. "Y-you wait here. I-I'll just go and get Harry." With that you sprinted down the stairs to get your brother- he could heal mortals no problem.

   You felt guilty for leaving him there, but it was for a sensible reason.

   Peter, Harry and you all came onto the roof barging past each other to help your dad. He was lying there with his eyes closed, unresponsive. He was dead.

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