Revenge~ Bucky imagine (Part 5)

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   Going back to Stark towers was worrying. You felt that there would be too much questions asked for your liking. Luckily, it wasn't that hard of a thing to keep a secret, and Bucky never let you down breaking any.

   You managed to keep the truth from your fellow Avengers for around three weeks, before blowing your identity.

"You're stronger than I remember." Steve stated out of breath.

"Aww I thought Captain America didn't get tired." You teased with a baby voice. This was all a set up though. Steve jumped up and tried his best to kick you, but you just simply grabbed his leg and flung him onto his back. "Sorry, I didn't mean to hurt you."

"The thing is... YOU DIDN'T!" You were booted in the jaw as Steve got up, you were checking to see if your nose was bleeding, when he round housed you in the chest, and sent you flying back. You bashed into the side of the rink and your training partner pinned you to the ground. You managed to lift him off from on top of you and instead, pin him down.

"THAT'S ENOUGH!" You heard Bucky yell, stopping his pull ups.

"We're just training Buck." Steve explained. He tried to push you off, but ended up rolling up your sleeve, revealing your secret. "Y-"

"If you say another word, you'll never see the light of day again." You said covering his mouth with your hand. He smirked and punched you, distracting you from him for a moment, so that he was able to regain his strength. It was then that he saw an opportunity in you. He pushed you into the barrier once again, this time using his foot though. He grabbed your metal arm, and yanked it off. He let go of you, and caused you to stumble forwards. The noise of the heavy vibranium hitting the hollow flooring caught everybody's attention. They all turned to see what all the fuss was about, and saw the truth.

"That makes two." Loki the God of Mischief said, astonished by this new discovery. You sighed and put your hand up in defence.

"How long have things been like this for?" Bruce asked.

"Three weeks." You replied.

"Sorry." Steve apologised.

"Woah!" Peter exclaimed from the back of the room. "First I see a man from World War two who looks around thirty with a metal arm, now my best friend has one that she's been keeping a secret for three weeks!"

"Well saying as you all know the truth, I suppose I'm going to have to tell you how it happened." You told them the story of hydra and Bucky, and earned a few tears and a lot of shocked gasps.

"That must've hurt!" Nat sighed.

"She passed out." Bucky confessed.

"That would've been grim to look at." Clint said in disgust. "Sorry, I didn't mean to offend you (Y/N)."

"ROCKET! LEAVE MY ARM ALONE!" You yelled. He just flinched and started running away. "Why is he always so obsessed with body parts Quill?"

"I honestly have no idea." He responded, chasing the racoon.

   For the next few days (the amount of time it took to get your arm back from that animal thief) Bucky had been very thoughtful of you, and decided to also walk around with one arm on and one arm off. Peter for some reason loved talking to you two now. It was much easier with everybody knowing. Life was perfect.

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