Revenge~ Bucky imagine (Part 4)

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   "(Y/N)! Oh it's wonderful to have you back." A cheerful voce sounded.

"Okoye!" You expressed. "It's so good to see you again. Obviously, this wasn't how I had planned for us to meet again."

"Like what?" She asked.

"I thought it was obvious?" You were so confused.

"What's obvious?" This was getting strange.

"M-my arm..." You said "It's gone..." You took off the piece of cloth covering it.

"OH!" Okoye gasped. "I'm so sorry! I thought that you were just keeping it under your robe because you were cold or something. I didn't realise!"

"How could I be cold? This is Wakanda." You said laughing.

"We're ready for you over here." T'Challa summoned you.

"I'm sorry. I have to go now, lovely to see you though." You said, turning on your heel and leaving.

   What followed was probably one of the most awkward experiences that you have ever had: choosing your new arm. Eventually, you settled on a silver and blue one. You didn't want it to be too noticeable, since you hated lots of attention.

   "How do you feel now?" Bucky asked as you as you lay in bed next to him that night.

"It's going to take a bit of getting used to, but I think I'll manage." You replied. "Anyway, I can always get some first hand advice from you." He smiled at you and you hugged each other as much as you could. Unsurprisingly, having a load of vibranium replacing one of your limbs isn't the most comfortable to sleep on, so you both took your arms off getting your pyjamas on.

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