Presents~ Clint Barton imagine

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   You smiled as one of Clint's children came running up to you. "Aunty (Y/N)!" Lila exclaimed. She had always been lovely to you, and so had Laura. Nathaniel was only a few months old, and therefore wasn't able to talk much, and Cooper was always busy playing on his game console. Clint had introduced you to his family a few years ago, when you left S.H.I.E.L.D as a goodbye gift. I was completely worth it. It was almost as if you had become family to them, but then Clint was nice to most people.

   Not long ago, during the invasion of Ultron and his minions, your ex-colleges had been invited by Agent Barton to come and stay in his household for a while. You had heard that Thor; God of Thunder had accidentally stood on Lila's toy house and it wasn't rediscovered until Laura was cleaning under the sofa. You had decided to save her the trouble of buying a new one, and get one for junior yourself as a little surprise.

   "(Y/N) how nice to see you." Laura expressed. She hugged you and you hugged her back. "What's the occasion?" She asked.

"I'll tell you, but will little Lila come here first?" You asked.

"Ooh! What is it?" She asked excitedly. You handed it to her, and she happily took it from your hands.

"There she is." Clint teased pulling you into a tight hug. "What brings you here?"

"I just brought Lila a present. I heard what Thor did to her old toy house when you invited all the Avengers over." You explained.

"Fair enough." He said in response.

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