Chapter 60

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***Couple days later***

"You ready?" Riley asked.

"Yep" I said.

"You nervous?"


"Don’t be, they are going love you."

It was the last road game of the year and we were going four days earlier to go visit Riley's mom and dad in Michigan before we had to go to Detroit. We walked off the airplane and grabbed our luggage. We were walking when I saw two guys with Winnipeg Jets jersey.

"Riley!" one of them said.

"Brian! Chris!" Riley said.

We get over to the two of them and she hugs them. She lets go of one of them.

"Jonathan this is my little brother Chris," pointing to the black hair guy. "and Brian." pointing to the brown hair guy. "Liggies this my boyfriend Jonathan."

"We know who he is." Chris says. He sticks his hand and I shake it.

Brain and Chris grab our bags and we walk to the car. They put the bags in the back. It was cold compare to Chicago. Also there was snow on the ground. Me and Riley sit in the back of the car and her brothers in the front. It was a quick ride to their house. We pull into the driveway and I look at their house. It was a nice size house. We get out and grab our bags. We walk to the door and go into the house.

"Mom? Dad?" Riley yelled.

"Riley!" I hear someone yell, it sounded like her mom.

I see someone walk down the hallway. It was a girl a little bit shorter than Riley. Riley puts her bags down and hugs them. "Mom" she said. They let go of each other and she looks at me. I start to get a little nervous.

"You must be the wonderful Jonathan." she says.

"Yes I am." I say.

"Nice to met you Jonathan. I'm Hannah, Riley's mom."

"Nice to met you Hannah."

"Come in you two, Riley take him up to your room. That's where you will two be sleeping."

She takes me to her room and put are suitcases in her room. Her room had Doctor Who posters and Blackhawks posters. I walk over to the one corner and see the beanbags on the floor with a blanket and pillow on them. There were posters on the wall above the beanbags. The poster had stuff on them like, fight, hope, courage, don't give up.

"Is this where Kelly slept when she came over?" I ask.

"Yep" she said as she walks over to me.

"Lunch is ready!" I heard Hannah yell.

She grabs my arm like we're siblings and we go downstairs. We get downstairs and there were two more guys. One of them come over to Riley and picks her up. He walks over to the couch and throws her on the couch. "Jack!" she yelled and threw a pillow at him. The other one walks over to me and says, "Hi Jonathan, I'm Kyle."

"Hi Kyle." I said.

Kyle had brown hair with a couple curls in it. I look over and see Jack beating Riley up with a pillow. I grab two pillows and hand one to Riley. We start having a pillow fight with Jack.

"I surrender." Jack said. We all started to laugh some. I help Riley of the ground, her hair was all messed up.

"You must be Jonathan." Jack said.

"Yep, you must be Jack." I said.


Riley brushes her hair with her fingers real quick. We all walk over to the table and sit down in between Jack and Riley. I put my hand under the table and on her leg. She puts her hand under the table and grabs my hand. All six of us sit at the table and Hannah comes into the room with lunch and a man who looks to be a inch shorter than me walks in behind her. The man comes over to me and says,  "Hi Jonathan. I'm Nathan, Riley's dad." He sticks his hand out and I shake it. "Nice to met you Nathan." I said.

He walks over to his seat, which was between Hannah and Chris. Hannah puts the food on the table and sits down. We all just sit there staring at the food.

"What's wrong with you guys? Dig in!" Hannah said. Then Jack, Kyle, Brian and Chris all grab food at once. I whisper to Riley, "Is that normal for them to all grab food at one?"

She whispers back to me, "All the time unless it was the first time for one of their girls to come over."

The four of them finished grabbing their food and the two of us grab ours. There was sausage, pasta and some type of ravioli.

"What are those?" I ask pointing to the ravioli.

"Pierogis" she said

"What are pierogis?"

"Polish ravioli, they are really good."

I grab one of them to try and she was right.  It was really good. All of the food was fantastic,  I can see where she learned to cook. During dinner, her family asked how we met and how do I like playing for the Hawks. I told them the story of the coffee shop and just saying 'I like your shirt' we become friends then started to date. I also told them I love playing for the Hawks. The rest of the time was stories of them as kids and stories of games the brothers had play in the NHL. Her parents are really cool and probably the easiest parents I have ever met.

When we were done with lunch. Me and Riley did the dishes.

"Do you think they like me?" I asked.

"Like you? They love you but not as much as I do." she said.

I was relieved when she said that. When we were done with dishes, she walked over to the glass door and looked outside. I walk over to her and wraps my arms around her. Kyle came into the kitchen.

"You know the pool is frozen and it's solid ice." Kyle said.

"It is?" she asked.

"Yeah, did you two bring your skates?"

"Yep" we said together.

"Jack! Chris! Brian! Did you guys bring your equipment?" Kyle yelled into the other room.

"Yeah" they all yelled.

"Go grab it."

Me and Riley ran up to her room and grabbed our skates, sticks and helmets. Her stick and helmet were in her bedroom closet. We ran downstairs and grab our coats. She told me to slip my shoes on and I did. We go outside and sit on the bench by the pool. We put on our skates and helmets on. We move over to the ice as her brothers come out with their stuff.

Kyle and Chris came out with the goalie pads and all.

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