Chapter 10

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(Riley's P.O.V.)

"Here come the Hawks, the might Blackhawks....." 

I woke up to the sound of my phone sing Here Comes the Hawks. Wait, Jonathan was texting me. I haven't talk to him in four days. Today was his first game of the preseason and my first game broadcasting, I checked my phone.

Hey Riley, what's up? he texted

Nothing much, I just finished unpacking yesterday. I replied

It took you four days to unpack? How much stuff do you have?

I just put it off and not that much.

Right. ;) So do you want to carpool to the game?

Sure, why not?

Cool, say 5?



I was in my suit and tie because I hate dresses. I walked out of my place and down the stairs. I walked outside and Jonathan was waiting for me. He was sitting on the edge of the car in his suit. He jumped off the car and came over to me. We walked over to his car and got in. I was very nervous and he could tell.  

"You nervous?" he asked and grabs my left hand with his right.


"It's ok to be but you will do great."


We get to the U.C., park and get out of the car. We start to walk when I hear someone call Jonathan's name. I turn around to see Pat Foley waving at Jonathan.  We stop and Foley comes up to us. 

"Hi Jonathan, who is your friend?" said Pat

"Hi Pat. This is Riley Tyler." said Jonathan

"Hello Mr. Foley" I said.

"You call me Pat, I...Are you..." said Pat

"A girl?" I cut him off

"Yes, sorry. When they said Riley I thought they ment a boy Riley. So are you girl? Not to be rude."

"Yes, I am a girl and its ok. I get it a lot because I dress and act like one."

"It is a pleasure to met you and can't wait to work and get to know you Miss. Tyler."

"You too and you can call me Riley."

"Riley, why don't you go inside and go up to the booth. I need to talk to Jonathan in private."

"Sure, see you after the game Johnny and see you in a few Pat." Then I walked away and into the United Center.

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