Chapter 38

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(Riley's P.O.V)

***Couple days Later***

That’s all she wrote folks. Your Chicago Blackhawks lose to the Boston Bruins by a score of 5-0.

Pat took over after I said that. The Blackhawks played horrible tonight. I went to the parking lot and waited for Jonathan. I saw him coming. I ran up to him and hugged him. I knew he was going to be angry after that lost. I had been in his shoes before.

He didn't hug me back, instead he pushed me away from him. He got into the car and got in too. He drove out the United Center parking lot and on to Madison. He was so mad.

"Jonathan what's wrong?" I asked, even though I kind of knew what was wrong.

"Everything. We played horrible, offense was terrible, passing was terrible, we couldn't score, we couldn't get pucks to the net. Defense was sloppy, Crawford couldn't stop 3 very easy shots." he said.

"Jonathan it's okay, you guys just had a off night."

"No, it's not okay. You don't understand."

Was he doing one of those type of things? I played hockey before. I was a captain before. I practical eat and breath hockey.

"Yes I do. I was a captain once. I had suffer a much heavier lost against one of the worst teams in are high school league. We lost to them 12-0 and I was in your shoes. But you have to learn from your mistakes. The next two days we worked on everything we did wrong. The next game we played was against the best high school team and we smoked them 9-0." I paused gathering my thoughts. "But don't let this get you down. Some teams will reflect what there captain does. So if you don't care, they don't care. If you work your butt off, they will work there butt off." I said.

He pulled up to my place and yelled at me to get out. I say something to him that apparently puts him over the edge. He screams at me to get out of the car. I get out and watch him drive away. What did I do to make him so mad? All I did was give advice to him. I processed to go inside and went to bed.

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