Chapter 24

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(Riley P.O.V.)

 "Hello?" I said

"Riley, it's Zac."

"Hey, how do you have my number?"

"John gave it to me. Listen, you need to become lead trumpet."


"I just broke my arm and won't be able to play at the performic."

"Ok, when is the performic?"

"John told me yesterday that it will be in late November."

"I can't, I travel then. I thought I told him this." I was getting a little mad and frustrated.

"Well, let's talk to him."


"Riley I got to go, I will see you tomorrow at practice."

He hanged up and I just didn't know what to say. I walked into the other room where Jonathan was. I walk back to the couch and sat next to him.

"Is everything okay?" Jonathan asked 

"Yeah, everything is okay." I said. I put my head on his a shoulder and he let it go. He turned on a Doctor Who episode and my eyes light up. I look up at him and he looks down at me. We start to watch it and it was The Doctor's Daughter. He puts his hand on my shoulder. Am I really falling in love with him?

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