Chapter 36

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(Riley's P.O.V)

I stand really close to Kelly with T.J. in my arms. She grabs T.J. from my arms. I hugged her and T.J. trying not to squish T.J. I whisper in her ear, "Your mom will changing for the better."

"I hope you are right, Riley. If it wasn't for you and your family, I probably wouldn't be who I am today. I would probably be like my mom and dad. I probably won't have T.J. or be married to Jason." Kelly whispered back to me. She started to cry and I put her head on my shoulder. I start to sing to her one of her favorite songs. She calms down and steps back from me. I ask to her, "Do you have my cell phone number?" She nodes her head yes. "Kelly, I am here for you. If you need to talk to someone and you can't talk to Jason for some reason. Call me and I will listen to you, good or bad."

"Thanks Riley."

"Mommy, look!" said T.J. pointing to Jonathan. "It's number 19 of the Blackhawks!"

Jonathan walks over to us.

"Well yes I am little man." Jonathan says.

"T.J. favorite player is you." said Kelly.

"Cool, T.J. can I have a high five?" He puts his hand out and T.J. gives him a high five. Kelly looks down at her watch.

"Well we got to go. Me and T.J. promise dad we would meet him at the children's museum."

"Ok, bye Kelly. Bye T.J." I said. Putting my hand out for a high five from T.J. He gives me one.

"Bye Jonathan. Bye Riley and thank you Riley."

"No problem, anytime."

"Bye Aunt Riley. Bye 19." said T.J.

I start laugh a little when T.J. called Jonathan, 19. The two of them disappeared in the distance. Jonathan came up behind me.

"So '19' where do you want to go?" I asked.

"Oh Riley." he said. He grabbed my hand and we start to walk.

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