Chapter 19- Confession

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My dreams weren't haunted by the sight of dead bodies or blood splattered against the never ending darkness that night. Instead, I what I saw were different things that filled me up with hope and happiness as I felt myself go through memories I don't remember at all.

I was sitting at a wooden desk inside a classroom filled with students talking to one another as I saw sunlight come through the open windows next to me and shine itself upon my desk.

How long has it been since I saw the sun? It felt so familiar and warm as it's familiar rays hit against my skin and I wished it would be that way forever.

But, I knew this wasn't right. I was in the killing game the night after the class trial. How was I inside a classroom?

I moved my gaze to look around the room at all the students speaking happily to one another as they laughed and joked around as I just sat there confused and dazed as I saw the same school uniform appear on everyone, including myself.

What happened to my dress?

I looked down in front of me at the empty wooden desk as I put my hand against its surface and it felt smooth and nice under my fingers as I looked back out the window and could see a courtyard down below with shining green trees gently rocking with the breeze as more students were down there walking and talking.

Was it all a dream? Was that killing game just some delusional fantasy and this was reality? I was at a school about to attend class but I don't remember this at all. How did I get here?

I felt someone push open the chair beside me and I looked at it in confusion as someone started to sit down next to me and I saw blonde hair fall down the man's face as he quickly brushed it out of his view to show glasses on his face.

I looked confused for a moment as he then turned to me and I could see his face more clearly-

I opened my eyes suddenly as I found myself back in the familiar bedroom of the killing school game as I sighed and sat up in bed and looked towards the boarded up windows against the wall.

So, it was just a dream. A very odd and realistic dream as I rubbed my eyes and yawned heavily as I started getting out of the familiar bed and stepped onto the floor with my bare feet.

I continued to go through my thoughts as I got dressed and did my hair to make it look nicer.

The dream. What was it? What significance did it have to me? The atmosphere there felt so familiar and so realistic it was hard to imagine it was really all just some stupid dream my mind made up.

When I looked outside the window beside me and saw the bright sunlight as I even felt the rays of heat against my pale skin. Could my mind really make that up?

And there were students there as well. High school students, I was guessing. But I attended a private high school before this with uniforms very different than those. The uniforms in my dream though just looked like regular school uniforms and I was wearing one as well.

It wasn't a memory. I thought it wasn't. I would probably remember attending classes.

And then there was that boy who started sitting beside me before I woke up suddenly. I caught a glimpse of his face for only a second before it all went dark suddenly. He had blonde hair, I remember that much. But his face, even though how hard I tried, I just couldn't remember what I saw.

I sat on my bed as soon as I put my shoes on and thought to myself about it quickly. I tried to remember the boy's face but nothing seemed to come to mind. Something about him just seemed so familiar.

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