Chapter 11- Wanted Privacy

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The next day came by fast. Faster than I expected anyways. My dreams were haunted that night with flashes of the deaths of Leon, Junko, and Sayaka. The way Sayaka's body was leaning against the bathroom wall as she laid helplessly with a knife sticking out of her. How Junko had spears sticking out of her stomach and blood gushing out of the fresh holes as she fell to the ground dead. And then Leon, ties to that pole with baseballs hitting every part of him, ending his life.

Their deaths haunted me. None of us deserved to go through this. What did I do to make me part of this killing game? I was innocent, we all were. I don't remember doing one bad thing in my life and yet I was here... forced to kill my classmates and keep hope that there was an escape. But was hope really helping me right now?

After the trial, we all went our separate ways and to our dorms straight after. Everyone like me seemed to be haunted by the image of their deaths. When I came back to my dorm, I found myself hovering over a toilet and vomiting out my breakfast. Seeing death always made me this way. That nauseating and sick feeling followed me as I went to bed and I tossed and turned throughout the night as I tried my hardest to get the terrifying horrors of death and despair out of my mind.

As soon as morning came, I woke up feeling slightly dizzy still as I moved out of bed and walked over to the bathroom to look at my reflection in the small mirror.

My white hair falling down my face as my cheeks gave a slight tint of pink and my clothes seemed to be all messed up as my belt laid on the ground beside me, I must've left it there last night. I picked it up and quickly put it around my waist and tightened it to get a firm grip around my skirt as I fixed my hair into its usual braid. I wasn't someone to leave my hair down on most days, just allowing somebody to see me with my hair down seemed a little embarrassing since my hair was so long.

If I ever got out of here, maybe I'll cut it.

But I shoved the useless thoughts out of my mind as I fixed my earrings. The golden circle hanging from the chain as a silver jewel barely touched the tip of my cheek. Something about these earrings made to never take them off. So, I left them be as I moved out of my bathroom and into my room as I gazed around aimlessly. What now...

It seemed as if my question was answered as I then heard the screen in my room turn on as Monokuma's face appeared on the screen. "Every time you sad-sacks service a death-match with Lady Justice, you get a shiny prize. It's a whole new world! Don't you dare close your eyes! As much as I'd love to split open from chins to cha-chas, it's my principal-y duty to stimulate that oatmeal you call brains... Happy hunting, children! And don't say I never gave you nothing."

I looked confused up at the screen as it turned off and showed it's regular blackness I see usually unless Monokuma is giving his usual morning announcement or night time announcement as well.

A whole new world? What did Monokuma mean by that? Was there an escape to outside of here?! I quickly ran out of the room to meet up with the others, and as soon as I left the room, I felt someone's arms wrap around me tightly as someone seemed to hop up in down on a cheery mood while grasping me tightly.

"There's a new floor! New floor!" The beaming voice said happily as I recognized Aoi being the one tightening her grip on me as she squealed in happiness. I looked at her confused.

"What... do you mean... new floor...?" I tried to say as I felt like all the air was being squeezed out of me by her.

"The new floor opened up!" She answered as she finally released me and I felt the air enter my lungs again. "Did you not hear the announcement?"

"So that's what he meant..." I said in a sigh as I stood up straight and looked over at Aoi calmly as she gave me a beaming smile. She seemed really happy that we were able to travel to the new floor. I too was genuinely curious about what could be up there as well.

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