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Y/n sat on her chair watching the newly out episode of the famous smoke, Kimetsu no yaiba or Demon Slayer. Her long h/c hair sided to one of her shoulders while she leaned into her chair.

As the episode ended, the ending song plays right after. Disappointing her more.
"Oh, maaaan. That was the last episode! The next one will get the movie! But...That's faaar too looooong!!" She whined as she stretched her back.

Her hands typed in her preferred manga site and read the manga of Demon Slayer. She hummed as she read the part Uzui and Gyutaro had fought.
"What?! Gyutaro isn't ugly at all!!" She exclaimed, angrily.

Closing her phone, she tosses it on her table and flops to her soft bed. Her hair sprawled out the mattress. "As long as he's powerful he's good enough for me!" She puffed her cheeks out.

A blush made its way to her cheeks. Every single time a new male character gets introduced on the show, she immediately gains a crush on them. The powerful the better.

"Ahhh~ Muzan is sooo handsome!!" She sighed dreamily while hugging her pillow.

"Yoriichi is handsome too! He's like... the most powerful in the show! If he just defeated Muzan then and there, the show must've likely ended" she mumbled.

She rolls around her bed, fangirling. Countless stories goes though her brain, making her fall more for the show.
"Kyaaah!! Why must they all be so handsome?!"She thoughts.

Y/n had always dreamed to be a hashira like the ones on the show. Wanting to be cool and interact with her favourite characters.

Knock! Knock!

Y/n glanced at her creamy white door and sighed. She trudged up and walked to her door. She turns the knob.

"Mom? What is it--


Y/N's eyes widened. Infront of her was a gun, pointed right on her forehead.



"My sister is in there!!"
"Wh-what's happening?"
"Please save her!!"
"Who w-was that?..."
"Aaah!!! No!!!"
"Where am I??"
"Y/n!! Y/n!! --ra!!...Hira!!Hira!!"
"Who's Hira?... I'm Y/n!"

Y/n gasps forward, her hand immediately went to her throat as it felt like had just drowned. She coughs and wheezed heavily. Sweat trickled down her face from panic.

"Oh good, your awake"

Y/n turned to a woman who held what it looks like to be medicine.
"W-What...happened?..." She asked, her head thumped in pain but slowly subsides.

The woman raised a brow at her
"Hmm, well...you tried cutting yourself after all. Your friends were all worried you know, they cried saying they didn't know you were sad." She mumbles to herself.

Y/n catches her breath
"Cutting myself? Attempting suicide? I wasnt--

Y/n raised her arm to see them bandaged and with blood seeping though.

Suddenly, it felt like her head was being smashed into pieces. She hunched over in pain and held her head. She groans, letting the pain go through.

Your new name's Hira Akamoto.

You have clear violet eyes and have a skin as white as snow. Your hair is also the same color as your skin. You are an albino.

Only has one sister but is given to another family, other family members are dead. One of the most known Kakushi's in the headquarters or in Himejima Gyomei's estate.

Hira Akomoto's memories are now loading in....

Y/n bits into her hand to prevent her from screaming, but it seems like the lady was more horrified than before.
"What are you doing?! Do you badly want to die?!" She yells ad she tried to pry your mouth from your bleeding hands with put lifting your mask.

Memories rushed in her head, her information was almost like it was hers.

She pauses and calms down, the pain lifting. Sighing in relief, she leaned back only to be yelled at.
"You crazy kid!! Your wasting bandages you fool!" The lady complained but kept treating your hand and bandaging it.

Y/n closes her eyes
"Now I know why Hira wanted to die so badly" the now violet eyes girl thought.

'Ohhhh boy Hira. What a mess you've made"

Y/n relaxes and leans in more to the blankets, anxiety filling her heart in an increasing rate. Sweat formed around her forehead as her stomach felt unsettled.
"Ohhhhh boy indeed. Godammit!"

She turns her head to the side and bites her bottom lip, wanting to cry.
"Fucking shitty Au I got in!! Fuck! Why must one of my favourites yet fucking scary Au must I be in?!!? Why?!" She panicked in her head.

"Fuck! Fuck! Fuck!!! I'm so gonna die!! SHIT!!" Y/n pulls her hand away from the lady as soon as she finished. She cradles her bandaged arm and lays in a fatal position, her blanket pulled over her.
"Everyone's gonna die!! Just turn me back in time!! She already did a so bad fucking move!!" She screams in her head.

She stays quiet for a while, her palm above her beating chest. Breathing in and out she removes the blanket that was over her.
"Hooo... I'm finally calm.....................


She then proceeded to go under the blanket one more time screaming and panicking on her thoughts. Y/n wanted to smash everything at how bad her body's previous owner did.
"Honestly! I fucking envy Hira!! She's already on the other side!" She bit her tongue

She sits up, removing the white thin blanket along the way. She sighed, finally organizing her swarming thoughts.

"Ok, first to avoid my 90% death..." she mumbles

"I'll just be yes sir, to avoid them getting angry. That seems to be a good...idea?"

The lady stared at her with a raised brow. The lady sighs and turned back.
"Poor girl"she thought as she walked away.

Y/n covers her face with her hands and leaned back to her white soft pillow.
"Why did it have to be a fucking yandere au?!"

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