Part 36: Still Together

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I rush over to Clementine and check to see if she's still alive. She has a heartbeat still, and her breathing  is still present.

I turn to Aj for answers. "What happen?! Why...why did you have to-"

"She got bit okay!"

My eyes go wide and I look at Clem's separates leg. If you look closely enough you can see a bite mark. Jesus, we need to get back to the school.

Aj continued to talk trying to justify his actions, so I'm only getting the last of it.

"She wanted me to leave her, she said I'd be fine but....I didn't want to leave her! I chopped her leg off hoping it'll stop the infection and-and I was gonna-"

I pull Aj close to me and embrace him.  Aj is struggling to find the words he wants to say, but I already understand.  He didn't want to lose someone he loved, and he made a tough choice.  I love Clem too, but...I don't know if I could have done what he did. 

"Aj it's okay. It's okay, I'm not mad at you. We need to get her back to the school as quickly as possible."

I walk over to a nearby walker and start to check it's pants. It's wearing a belt, so I take it off and walk back to Clem. I begin to loop it around her leg and tighten it to stop anymore blood loss.

"What about the walkers outside? We're surrounded!"

"No buddy, I killed them all. You got your things? We need to leave now."

I bend over and pull Clementine on my back. My ribs start to hurt when I pick her up, but the adrenaline soon takes over yet again.  Hopefully we're close to the school, because this adrenaline might not last.

"You killed them all? But there was so many, how?"

"I had to get to you two. You needed me here, so I did what I had to do to get inside. Now come on, we gotta save Clem."

The two of us walk of through the door, and start to run to the school. Aj goes ahead leading the way, and I slowly follow behind. Carrying Clem, having a possibly broken rib, and being fatigued isn't exactly helping much with my speed.

I look back and see Clem's face resting on my shoulder.  She looks to be going in and out of conscious, so there might be a chance she can hear me.

I turn my attention away from Clem's resting face and back at the trail with my eyes locked on Aj. "It's gonna be okay Clem. We're gonna get you back to the school and get you fixed up. I just need you to hang on and be strong like always. I'll be with you the whole way."

I look back and see that a smile is on Clem's face now. He eyes are still shut, but she looks peaceful and beautiful like this.

I look back up when I hear Aj yelling. We're near the outer part of the hunting zone, so Aj's trying to let the school know where coming. He unintentionally also just let every walker nearby know where we are.

I just don't look around to see if any are coming and just keep running. I soon lose sight of Aj, but still hear him yelling. Walkers start to appear ahead on the trail, and I have to slow down and plan my next move.

Suddenly, an arrow strikes the walker in front of my right, so I'm able to keep running. I see Aasim and Louis in front of me signaling to go ahead as they start to kill the walkers blocking my path

Me and Clem make it to the gate where Aj, Willy, and Ruby are killing walkers. They all stop and get inside once we make it inside. Everyone comes to check on Clem, and Louis and Ruby eventually take her to operate.

I start to walk with them, but Aasim stops me. "Woah Y/N, take it easy. You don't look too good yourself."

I push past him and keep walking. "Yeah I know, but I'm staying by Clem's side Aasim. She needs me."

He walks up to me and offers a shoulder to lean on.  "You will be by her side, but you're gonna be in your own bed probably if you keep this up."

I try to take a step and almost fall, but Aasim grabs a good hold of me.  "Its alright Y/N, it's over.  You're home, and we're all safe."

My eyes go from open to closed, and I begin to struggle to know where I am or what's happening. 

"Come on Y/N, lets get some rest."

My eyes open, and its now dark outside.  I've been out all day I'm guessing.  I look down at my chest and see medical tape wrapped around my stomach, and I realize that my face has some tape on it too. 

I turn over and see Clem resting in a bed next to me.  She looks much better then before, so did Aj save her life?

I struggle to get out of my bed a few times before I'm finally able to pull myself up.  I slowly walk over and grab Clem's hand as I look at her leg.  Things are going to be much harder for her now, but she's won't be alone.

I lean over and plant a kiss on her forehead.  "I'll be back Clem.  Gonna see what's going on with the others."

I start to walk away, but can't help but look at her sleeping face.  I pull up a chair and sit next to Clem holding her hand still.

"Alright Clem, you talked me into it.  I'll stay here and wait for them to come back."

I stroke her hand back and forth and watch her sleep.

"We kept our promise, didn't we Clementine?"

A smile grows on my face now. Both of us made it home together. We may not be the same when we left, but we still have each other.

I turn to the door opening, and see Ruby and Aj coming inside. Aj and Ruby both smile as they see me. "Good evening guys."

Aj runs up and gives me a hug, and Ruby walks to her bag for her tools. She turns to me and grins

"Actually it's morning Y/N. You were out of it most of yesterday, but whenever you did wake up you always asked about Clem."

I grin and shake my head. "I don't remember any of that at all. So, you mind telling me what I missed?"

Ruby pulls me out of the chair and sits me in my bed. Aj sits next to me and starts to explain everything.

"After you passed out, Aasim took you here so Ruby could help you. Clem was saved by Ruby and has been resting since!"

I let out a sigh of relief. I know there's more details to the situation, but I'll let Aj finish since he's enjoying this.

"After she helped Clem, she worked on you and it was gross! You're skin was really bruised and swollen, but she said you'll be good in a couple days."

I turn to Ruby and smile. "Thanks Ruby, I don't know where we'd be if it wasn't for you."

Ruby blushes and smiles back. "Aw shucks, it's no biggie. I know you and Clem would do the same if you could."

She stands up from the bed and grabs Aj's hand. "We'll go get you two some food and water, but until then just get some rest. If you move too much you'll slow the healing process, or even damage a rib again."

I nod my head and wave goodbye to Aj. Once the door closes, I get up once more and push my bed against Clem's. It takes me a couple minutes, and when I finally get it next to it I collapse on my bed.

I lay there breathing heavy and stare at Clem. I'll be by your side no matter what Clem. I grab her hand, close my eyes, and dream of us going to the beach.

In Too Deep: A Walking Dead Clementine x Male ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now