Part 34: Don't Be Afraid

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We arrive at the bridge, and check if it's sturdy enough to cross. The boys seem hesitant to walk, so I take the first few steps on the creaking boards. I turn to them after a few steps, and give the thumbs up.

We start to cross the bridge at a slow pace. There's still no sign and sound of walkers nearby, but I'd rather not wait for any to show. We get to a car blocking the bridge, and I then realize a problem.

I hop the car and walk forward. The bridge collapsed in the middle, so we won't be able to get across normally. It doesn't seem too far of a distance to jump, but we'll need to be careful.

"I think we can jump it."

Clem nods her head and starts to walk forward. "Yeah I think we can, but we need to be careful of-"

Suddenly, a relaxing tune is heard from the start of the bridge. The voice of a girl is heard singing a song I've never heard before.

Never mind the darkness.
Never mind the storm.

Tenn suddenly turns back quickly and begins to take a step back the way we came. The rest of us do the same, and I soon realize who it is.

Never mind the blood red moon.
The night will be over soon.


Tenn begins to take more steps forward focused on Minnie, and is unable to see the walkers walking towards the bridge. She led them right to us.

"I did it! I found you Tenn! My sweet little brother, come with me!"

Tenn stops walking after he sees Minnies face, and begins to step back towards us. "You''re dying."

"Yes Tenn! I'm finally going some place better, and I wanna take you with me!"

"A place...where everyone's human again?"

"Yes, I want to take you with me. Lets end this nightmare."

Clem steps forward and grabs Tenn's shoulder. "Tenn, look at me. That's not the Minnie you knew. She's not your sister anymore."

Minnie fires a bullet into the air, attracting the attention of the walkers that she brought with her and the ones in the surrounding area. The rest of us duck and take cover behind the car, hiding incase Minnie fires at us next. "DON'T YOU SPEAK TO HIM!"

"Tenn, you can't do this!"

"Leave him alone! He needs to be with his family. I'm not leaving without you Tenn! They can try to stop me, but I'm taking you with me!"

Minnie has gone mad, and Tenn can't realize this. Clem try's to grab him, but Minnie continues to fire at us. Tenn actually starts to gather himself to jump the car, but Aj rushes and tackles him.

I look back down the bridge, and the road is now full of walkers. Minnie drops her gun and begins to back up into the hoard for cover. I rush up and take cover next to Clem.

"I'll get the boys across, stay and hold them off!"

Clem nods and pulls out her bow and arrows. I grab the boys and bring them over the edge of the bridge. I turn to both of them, and see their eyes locked on the gap.

"It'll be okay guys, trust me."

I offer my hand to Aj, who then shifts his attention to me. He reaches up and takes my hand, and I return it with a smile. "You got this Aj. After we get across, this will all be over."

We walk closer to the side, and I begin to aim at my target. After looking across and finding the best spot, I speak to Aj possibly for the last time.

In Too Deep: A Walking Dead Clementine x Male ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now