Part 25: Return to School

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Me and Willy walk in silence for quite a bit. He must be upset about me yelling at him still. "Willy, you good? Sorry for yelling back there, but you and Aj fighting isn't gonna help us."

Willy shakes his head. "I'm not wrong though! Tenn got Mitch killed and screwed up the plan!"

I look away from Willy and think for a moment. "Willy...Tenn made a mistake. I made a mistake too that night, Clem made mistakes that night, and so did Mitch. We're all to blame for what happen, but you haven't said anything."

Willy looks at me with a blank stare. He opens his mouth to speak, but shuts it and begins to think. I take this as a sign to continue talking.

"I've been feeling awful this whole time. I don't want anyone to die or get hurt, especially if I could have done something to prevent it. I feel guilty for everything that's happened so far, and some of it I wasn't even present for. So, imagine how Tenn must be feeling right now being told he caused one of his friends to die."

I look at Willy now. "You need to apologize to him Willy. You'll never forgive yourself if you too end everything on bad terms. I know how that feels."

Willy looks at me now and frowns. "What happen to you Y/N?"

I look ahead and frown. "I...I got in a fight with someone I considered my brother. I thought I was saying and doing the right thing, but he didn't agree. He told me to never come back to our home again, and I basically told him I wouldn't. Him and his family...."

I begin to trail off thinking about them, and Willy speaks up. "It's okay Y/N, I understand. I'll try to clear things up with Tenn."

I smile at him. "Good Willy, it's the right thing to do."

He nods his head and we continue to walk. Willy then speaks up. "Also Y/N, I think I know how we can stop the raiders after we save the others."

I grin and laugh at this. "Oh yeah? What do you have in mind?"


Me and Willy got back to school after walking a little longer. We went to Tenn and Ruby to fill them in on the plan Clementine made. Willy didn't really talk much, and he didn't apologize to Tenn yet. I know it's gotta be ask for forgiveness, so hopefully he finds the strength to do it.

He tells us he's going to Marlon's room to work on his idea of blowing up the boat. He thinks he can build a bomb that could destroy the boat, but needs to do some research on the interior of boats.

After he leaves to work on it, Ruby tells me and Tenn that she thinks we should have a party before we go on our mission tomorrow. One last time to have a fun night together, and it sounds like a great idea to me. Finally get a chance to play some of my CDs for everyone on the stereo Marlon told me about.

Ruby and Tenn start to set up everything, and I'm tasked with making dinner. I listen to some music on the stereo, and start to make a veggie and rabbit stew for everyone. I notice Tenn sitting by himself though, so I turn down my music and call him over.

"Hey Tenn, you good?"

He shrugs his shoulders and sits on the couch. "I guess so...I feel bad about what Mitch."

I nod my head and look at the pot. "Yeah I do too. Has Willy been giving you any trouble?"

"He was...but he seems different then before. I understand why he was mad...I did get Mitch killed."

I shake my head and turn to him. "No, you didn't get Mitch killed Tenn. Don't think thoughts like that."

Tenn is upset now and try's to hold back tears. "Yeah...but Willy thinks so."

I get up and sit next to Tenn now. I rest my hand on his shoulder and have him face me. "Tenn don't worry about Willy. He's...just struggling right now. Struggling with Mitch's death, and with how he treated you."

Tenn looks surprised. "He feels sorry?"

"Of course he does. You're one of his friends, and he regrets how he acted. He'll apologize at some point, but just don't forget."

"Forget what?"

"That he's one of your family."

Tenn smiles and looks at the pot. "You're one of us too Y/N. You're part of our family."

I smile now and walk to the pot. "Yeah...I'm glad I am."

I start to stir the pot and turn the music back up for me and Tenn. We listen in silence and cook dinner, until Aj and Clem get back. I give them a wave as they head to their rooms, but they both don't notice.

Something seems off, but maybe I'm just overreacting. I look at the stew and then at Tenn. "Hey Tenn, can you watch the stew for a bit? I wanna go check on Clem and Aj."

"Yeah Y/N! Do I...need to like do anything with it?"

I let out a laugh. "No chef Tenn, it should be done. Just stir it every once in a while and if it starts to bubble like crazy come get me."

Tenn nods his head, but I am a little worried with leaving him here. I wouldn't have to worry about this if Omar was here, but I'll work with what I got.

I walk into the school and head to our room. Inside I can hear them talking, but it doesn't sound very pleasant. Aj and Clem seem upset about something, so it might be best to end this conversation.

I knock on the door and wait for someone to reply. "Come in!"

I walk inside, and both Clem and Aj smile once they see it's me. "Hey guys, how was seeing James? Did you hear about the party?"

Before Clem can tell me about James, Aj freaks out and shouts "I'm so excited! Ruby said I can help with the decorations!"

I laugh and smile at Aj. "Did you have something in mind? Anything you make will be great I think."

Aj smiles and grabs his stuff. "Don't worry, it'll be perfect! I'm gonna go find Tenn and have him help make it."

"Just make sure you stay near the stew, I got Tenn helping me."

Clem stands up and smiles. "We can watch that Y/N. Aj, go ahead and find Tenn. We'll be behind you shortly."

Aj runs out the room and leaves me and Clem alone. "So back to my original question....will james help us?"

Clem smiles, but doesn't say anything. "Ummmm, ground control to Clementine. Are you there Clementine?"

Clem just smiles even more and slowly walks towards me. She wraps her arms around my waist and locks her lips with mine. She lets go slowly and then lays her head into my chest. "I missed you."

I smile and stroke her back. "I missed you too Clem..."

She pulls away and we stare into each other's eyes. This is one of those moments that you never want to end, and we realize that. We stay like this, in each other's arms, for a few minutes before we speak again.

"James said he'd be able to help, and that it'll be ready by tonight."

"That's good Clem. Well enjoy the night together, and when it's early morning we'll go save our friends."

Suddenly, the door opens up and Aj runs inside. We both let go of each other and Aj tosses a beach ball at Clem. "Catch!"

The ball flys right into Clem's face and we all end up laughing. "Aj! Where did you find this!?"

Aj stands proudly at his find. "Me and Tenn found it in the trash! It was a little gross blowing up, but it's worth it!"

They both begin to pass it back and forth, so I decide to leave them alone. "You too enjoy that ball, but don't be late for the party tonight!"

"Don't worry Y/N, we'll be out in a little bit."

"Alright, come get me when you're done. I'll be waiting at the fire pit watching the food."

I walk out the door and take one last look at the two playing. Hopefully this will be the norm once this is all over. Kids being kids, and teenagers being teenagers. This won't happen if Lilly wins.

Their way is cruel. They'll use us like slaves. I won't let that happen. If I need to go to that dark place, then so be it.

In Too Deep: A Walking Dead Clementine x Male ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now