Part 20: Truth or Dare

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It's almost been two weeks now, and still nothing. We haven't seen any sign of them, and it feels strange. Maybe they're trying to scare us, but I feel like we're all ready for when they do come.

I have been thinking about the talk I had with the others. I still haven't told anyone about my past. It pisses me off how I'm still scared of their reactions, especially Clem's.

It feels like I need to tell them before the shit hits the fan. My time might be coming soon, and I want them to know. To know what they mean to me, and who I am as a person. The truth.

I'm walking around the camp now checking in with people. I see Mitch sitting at a table working, so I decide to check on him.

"Hey Mitch, how's the bomb coming?"

Mitch looks up and smiles. "I think I almost got it. It didn't work earlier when Clem lit it, but I think I got it now."

"That's good man. If everything goes according to plan, you'll basically be the hero of the school."

Mitch just shakes his head and smiles. "Whatever keeps us safe Y/N."

I look at him seriously now and sit down. "I kind of wanted to talk about that with you. I'll be willing to do anything to ensure everyone's safety, and when I say anything that know."

Mitch looks at me with sad eyes. No one wants to talk about these outcomes, but they're a possibility. "I just want you to know that I think you're a great guy, and I'm glad I got to meet you man."

Mitch smiles now and nods his head. "Same here man. I do feel bad though...about Clem and Aj. I wish I didn't say some of the things I've said, or still have some anger towards them."

I look at him sadly, and place a hand on his shoulder. "Well Mitch, don't worry about that. I'm sure they know how you feel, and they know that it was hard on you. Just...try to be open to them sometime."

"Yeah, I'll do it sometime tomorrow. I'm gonna get back to work, talk to you later Y/N."

I nod my head and walk over to the campfire. Before I get there, I turn to some noise. Aasim is holding his gut right now, and Willy just ran inside. Louis, Clem, and Vi are standing there not sure what to do.

Aasim walks over to the couch and sits, so I decide to follow him. "Hey man, you good? What was that all about?"

Aasim just shakes his head in anger. "Willy is just being childish. Dude punched me when my idea was picked over his."

"So you didn't do anything to make him upset?"

Aasim eyes open wide and he looks away. "Yeah I guess I didn't help much..."

"You should probably talk to him in a bit. I know it'll be hard, but you don't want the last memory you share with him to be you two fighting."

Aasim frowns, but looks at you positively. "Yeah you're probably right. In a bit I will."

Louis, Vi, and Clem come to sit with us. Louis puts his arm around Aasim's shoulder and smiles. "How you holding up champ?"

Aasim pushes his arm away and glares at him. "Oh not good then? Well I know what could cheer you up! Truth or Dare!!"

Louis stands up waving his deck in the air. I love the guy, but he can be a dork sometimes. "How are we gonna play with cards Louis?"

"Easy, highest card gets to dare or question the lowest card. Come on! It'll be fun, and we need some fun honestly."

I nod my head and sit on the edge of my seat. It's us five playing, and Aj and Tenn came to play as well. The first set is handed out, and the winner is Vi and the loser is Clem. "Truth."

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