Part 17: Guilty Conscious

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We get into the Admin building, and Ruby immediately gets started on Aj. Once me and Clem get up the stairs, I let go of her and nod towards Aj. Clem runs over and I look to see Violet standing in Marlons doorway. "Y/N, can we talk please?"

I look over to see Clem and Aj together with Ruby, and decide they'll be fine. I walk over inside Marlon's room, and sit in the chair behind the desk. Violet looks a surprised by my actions, so I try to lighten the mood. "What? You gonna kick an injured former comrade out of your chair Vi?"

She smiles and shakes your head. "No Y/N, it's fine. I just wanted to talk to you and Clem real quick about what happen out there."

My face gets serious and I shift towards her to listen. "Nothing felt right with what we did, and then seeing what happen just made it worse. I wanted to help, but Clem shouted out run before I could. I didn't even hesitate and just ran, like what kind of person am I? I could have stopped you guys from getting hurt."

I didn't expect to become Violets therapist, but she must want some closure. She should have talked to Clem first, she'd handle this better probably.

"Sorry if I'm blunt Vi, but what you're feeling is probably natural. I guys sent them out their to fend for themselves, and you saw first hand what people outside your walls deal with. Decisions like that need to have more thought put into it from now on."

Vi just stands with her head down and continues to listen. "Now, for what happen out there....don't beat yourself up over it. More people could have been hurt if you fired, and then we'd have more problems to deal with. None of us blame you for what happen, we both know who's to blame here and that's Lilly."

She looks up and smiles. "Y/N....thank you. I'm gonna talk to Clem about this, but will you stay with us? We need both your help, and it's the right thing for us to do."

I start to reply and stand, but exhaustion is taking it hold on me. "That's....fine b-"

I collapse to the floor and Violet runs over to help. The last thing I see is Clem and the others running in to help.

"It's gonna happen sooner or later Y/N. You're gonna lose them, just like everyone else. You'll be all alone again just like you should. Everyone you meet dies, and there's nothing you can do about it."

My eyes open, and I realize I'm inside the music room on one of the couches. I start to sit up, but Ruby runs over right away to check on me. "Woah woah! Take it easy Y/N. You need to rest."

"How long have I been out?"

"Don't worry, you've only been out for a couple hours. We brought you here and I got to work on your leg right away. Omar's making dinner now, so we'll get some food in you soon. I'll let everyone know you're awake."

Ruby walks out of the room to find the others, and leaves me here by myself. My leg doesn't feel as bad as before, but it's definitely still sore. Probably gonna make me stay in bed a bit, but I'll try to talk them out of it.

Good idea Y/N. You never know when Lilly and her friends will be here. Someone will probably die if you're still in bed, but then again....more people will probably die with you out of bed.

Who the fuck just said that? I turn over to look at the fireplace and see a man standing there. He walks into the light and I see he's covered with blood and filled with bullet holes. I look at his face and my jaw drops. It's Patrick Wayne.

"No...I thought I was done with this bullshit! You're not real."

Just cause you got me killed doesn't mean I'm not real Y/N. Same goes to my family, especially my poor little sister you got killed. I always knew taking you in would lead to problems.

I shake my head and close my eyes. I can't be seeing things again! I beat this before, I'll do it again. Anger is starting to flow through me. I should be over this by now damnit!

You can't ignore me Y/N. No matter what you do I'll always be here to remind you what you did. To remind you who you are. A failure.

That's it. I turn to him and let out a yell. It's short, but it's full of emotion and force. My voice dies down now, and I'm only able to whisper. "You're not real."

Patrick just smiles at me and begins to open his mouth. A different voice comes to me and I turn to the source. It's Clem and the others.

"Y/N are you okay? We heard you yell in here and came as soon as we could."

I turn back to the other side of the room and see Patrick is gone. I lay my head back on the pillow and close my eyes. "Yeah guys, I-I'm fine. Just felt some pain."

Everyone starts to walk over and talk to me, but I see Clem standing at the door staring at me. She's frowning and her eyes are squinting. She can tell I was lying about it. Clem finally walks over and I smile at her.

"So what did I miss Clem? Where's Aj?"

"He's fine Y/N. He's sleeping right now, but I'll probably go check on him soon. You and him will he bed ridden for a bit, so you'll have someone to keep you company. Once your good to stand, you can join us in setting up defenses."

I shake my head at this. "No way, I'm not staying in bed while you guys prepare. They could attack any minute."

Clem frowns and Ruby steps in. "You need to rest for at least two days Y/N. If you work your leg too hard it'll open the wounds again, and then you'll be out even longer."

I sigh and turn to Clem. "Well I guess I'm stuck following the doctors orders. Hope you're happy Clem."

She shakes her head and smiles. "Yes Y/N, we're all thrilled we can't have you helping us." She then turns to the others. "Let's help him up and go eat dinner."

Louis and Violet help me out of the couch and put my arms over there shoulders. "No! No...I'm fine. Let me walk."

I have a limb while I walk, but I'm still able to get around. I'll be better in now time. Everyone starts to leave the room, but Clem stays to walk with me. " still gonna stay in our room? I had them bring one of the mattresses into it thinking you would...."

I smile and look at her. "Course Clem. You, me and Aj need to stick together."

She smiles at my response, and we both walk out to the courtyard to have our dinner.

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