Part 32: Left Behind

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I go in and out of consciousness when I wash up on the shore. I cough up water and grip my sides, trying to soothe the pain caused by Lilly. My mind instantly goes back to the others when the pain finally settles.

I look around and see that the remains of the boat is still close by. The flames are still burning and shots are still being fired, so I couldn't have been out for too long.

I move as fast as my body will let me towards the flames, and look for the others. The area is full of smoke and walkers, so I need to be aware of what's surrounding me. All I have is Aj's gun since everything was confiscated, but I grab some near by rocks incase I need to distract some walkers.

The sounds of moans and gunshots ring throughout the area, but there's still no sign of the others. Eventually I hear someone shuffling near me, and turn quickly with the gun ready to shoot. Luckily I'm greeted by friendly faces.

It's Aasim, Louis, and Omar. Aasim is helping Omar stand, and Louis has a rock ready to smash into my head. Louis drops the rocks and they all let out a sigh.

"You have no idea how glad I am to see you're all okay."

Louis smiles, nods his head, and turns to Aasim. "We  haven't found anyone else yet. We'll stick close to here since it's near the horses, but you need to find the others before this place gets overrun."

I nod my head and continue to move around the dock. The boat lets out another explosion, and pieces of metal, burning wood, and what looks like body parts fly into the air. Fear and anxiety fill my body, the need to find my friends has increased greatly. If even a single one is injured or worse...

I rush forward hoping to find any sign of them, but come across a walker heading to the boat. While running towards it, I pick up a broken pipe from the boat, and bash its head clean off its shoulder.

I raise my pipe when I hear more noise, but drop it instantly once I see who it is. Clementine and AJ.

They get up and rushes towards me, and we all embrace each other. Clem and I are on the verge of crying, but we're able to hide how upset we truly are. "I was so worried about you Y/N! The last I saw of you was when you were falling in the river, and I just-"

I cut her off rambling with a kiss to the lips. We embrace and smile as we kiss. I finally pull away once I realize what's going on around us.

"It's okay Clem, it's over now. We need to find the others and get out of here."

Before we can say anything else, we hear Violet let out a scream by the water. "You two help Vi, I'll handle the walkers coming in!"

They both head towards Violet, and kill the walker with her bow and arrow. Before I can start fighting walkers, Clem lets out a yell for me.


I bash one walkers head in before running towards the three. "What's going o-"

I see what the problem is. Violet's face is damaged badly. The areas surrounding her eyes were burned severely from the explosion.

"Jesus, Violet...It's okay. We got you."

"What happen?"

"Me and Minnie stayed behind on the boat. We tried to stop the explosion, but we were too late."

Aj looks frustrated with her reasoning, glaring at her and beginning to speak. Luckily Clem stops her by giving him her own glare, causing me to smile.

"It doesn't matter now Vi, we here now. We're going home."

"You're...not mad? Neither of you?"

"Of course not, but we'll talk about it when we get out of here."

In Too Deep: A Walking Dead Clementine x Male ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now