Part 28: Calm Before the Storm

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Aj and Tenn were crawling around his room with Tenn's toys. Going from place to place with their cop and firefighter toys pretending to be fight crime and protect the town.  It reminded me of how things were before all this when I played with my friends.

After some convincing, we were able to get Aj and Tenn to both go to bed.  He whined on the way to our room, but he'd be out like a light once he got into bed.

Clem and I would both crawl into the her bed and continue our cuddle session.  We tried talking for a little, but we picked up pretty quickly that we both wanted to rest.  She would kiss me goodnight, and then shift over to get comfortable.  I'd shift myself also, but I'd still wrapped my arm around her. I felt certain that we'd get through this, that I'd keep my promise....but I was gonna still hold her one last time.  Just to be safe.

She eventually falls asleep, but I can't stop thinking.  I don't know if its the stress, anticipation, or some other third factor preventing me from sleeping. 

I successfully get out of bed without waking Clem, and start to get dressed.  Dad's watch says it 11:40, so I can let them sleep a little longer.

I sit and think over the plan multiple times, but I've done this so many times already that there's no chance I'll forget.  I grab my dad's watch and close my eyes.  I think about my parents and the Waynes.  I might be seeing them pretty soon if we fuck this up, but hopefully they can send me some luck.

"You won't need any of it son."

I look and see Mr. Wayne leaning against the wall.  He looks exactly like he did the day I met him. I smile at him and begin to open my mouth, but he puts a hand up to stop me.  "Check the time boy."

I look at my watch and see it's now midnight. I look back at Mr. Wayne, but he's already gone.  I slowly stand up, and gently wake both Clem and Aj with the light from a lighter.  "Wake up guys, it's time."


Our group walked out past the boat house where James told Clem where he'd meet us.  The night is silent except for the wind.  No walkers are seen or heard on the way there.  Willy would speak up breaking this silence.  "Where is your friend?  Are you sure he's out here?"

Aj gets offended by this a little, and replies bluntly "We'll see him soon. Relax."

Ruby turns to them both and is clearly annoyed by their talking.  "Can you guys be quiet?  We don't know who else is out here."

"She's right guys, and if my memory is correct we're about to get to the boat."

Everyone grows silent after Clem's comment, and we start to see the lights from the boat.  The light signs over to us, but we all hide in time.  However, a walker in front of us isn't so lucky.  The light then signs back over to the horses, so I'm able to grab the walker and drag it over out of the lights view.  "Only me, Clem, and Aj will be dressed in walker blood.  The rest of you know what you'll have to do."

"Now we just need your walker friend to-"


Everyone turns quickly and is startled by James announcing himself.  It's hard to tell if he grinned from our reaction since he has that mask on his head.  He opens his mouth to speak, but Willy starts to assault him with questions about his mask.  Clem eventually speaks up.  "Willy! Can these questions wait?"

"Yeah, bad."

James looks at Aj for a moment, but then turns to Clem.  "Clementine...can I speak to you for a moment?"

"Yeah, you guys stake out the boat.  I'll be back."

Clem walks off with James, and we all move into different positions.  I scan the boat to see if there are any problems for our plan, but everything seems to be the same as before.  So, I walk over to Aj and Tenn to check on them.  "You both ready for this? Know what you need to do?"

Aj and Tenn both smile. "You can count on us Y/N.  We got this."

I nod my head in agreement, but get down on one knee so I'm at their height.  I grab them both and give them a hug.  "Both of you...please be safe.  I don't know what I'd do if anything would happen to you two."

They both pull away from me and nod their heads.  They turn back to the group, and Clem walks over to my position.  "What was that about Y/N?  You okay?"

I turn and grab Clem's hand.  "Yeah Clem, just worried a little.  I don't want to lose anyone else."

"We won't Y/N.  What happen to all that confidence from last night?"

"Good question.  Hopefully I get it back sooner than la-"

Clem leans in and kisses me on the lips.  She holds her lips pressed to mine for a few seconds, and when she pulls away it feels like a weight has been lifted off my shoulder.  I smile and take a deep breath.

"There, I'm sure it's back now."

"Thanks Clem."

She looks deeply into my eyes and smiles herself.  "No, thank you."

"What are you guys doing?"

Aj is standing over watching the both of us.  Clem's face is as red as an apple, and doesn't know what to say.  I smirk and answer Aj.  "It's nothing Aj.  Just a pre-battle ritual me and Clem are gonna do from now on."

"It's a pretty weird ritual..."

"Go back to the others! We'll be there in a second."

Aj walks away annoyed and I turn to Clem.  She looks flustered by what just happened, but she also looks pretty sexy the way she's standing.  Clem notices me staring and turns to me.  "What Y/N?"

"Nothing Clem, I'll tell you later."

Clem just shakes her head and walks away.  She acts likes she's mad, but I think deep down she enjoys it when I tease her.  I know I do, but I also enjoy everything I do with Clem.  I follow behind her and she starts to gut the dead walker.  Everyone watches grossly as Aj and her put on their camouflage.  "I see you both have done this before."

"Yeah, but I still hate the smell."

I smile at Aj's comment and start to apply the guts onto myself.  Clem picks up a handful of organs and stares at me with an evil grin.

"What...what are you looking at?"

"You need to apply it to your face."

"I have enough, I'll be fine."

"Didn't you promise me we'd get through this together?  Well, applying this to your face will help achieve that."

Damn it, that isn't fair at all.  I sigh and nod my head, and Clem applies it without a second to spare.  Everyone around us tries to hide their laughs while I'm trying to remove most of the chunks off my face.

"Jesus....Alright, its on. Happy?"

"Yes, I'm very happy.  Alright lets do this guys.  Remember the plan, and stay safe."

Everyone nods their head and splits off to where they need to be.  Within a few minutes, we hear the sound of the hoard walking towards the boat.  The peaceful silence we heard on the way here is replaced by the sound of gunfire and screams. 

Tonight....this all ends.

In Too Deep: A Walking Dead Clementine x Male ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now