Part 13: Burial

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I awake to the smell of fire and coffee. I look up and see Aj is cooking some, but don't know where he got it. He noticed I'm awake and sees my frown.

"Don't worry I didn't steal it. Tenn said I could have it."

I nod and sit up against the dresser. My back is pretty sore from sleeping last night on the floor, but it felt like the best idea after last nights shit show. I still can't believe Aj did that. He seemed like a good kid, how could he do something like that?

Clem starts to wake up now and rolls over to face Aj and I. Aj grabs the coffee and walks it over to her. "I made you some coffee Clem. I didn't take it, Tenn said it was okay to have."

She takes the coffee and has a sip. "I'm surprised you remembered how. Y/N did you want some?"

I look over and shake my head. "No thanks Clem, I'm not that a big fan of coffee."

Aj then stands between me and Clem. He looks at us both and sighs. "I heard what Louis said last night....Am I a murderer?"

My eyes widen and I turn to Clem. Aj is going to need a lot of help mentally right now. This world is already making things hard for him to understand, and taking a life at such a young age can't be help either. I start to think about last night

"Back off guys! No one else is getting hurt unless you decide to cause more trouble!"

I'm standing with Violet in front of Clem and Aj. Everyone is angry and shouting at us, especially Louis. I've never seen him act like this.

"You two are gonna protect that fucking murderer! They can't stay here, he's dangerous!"

I look at him annoyed, but luckily Violet speaks before I can say anything. "Louis not now! We'll deal with it tomorrow, right now everyone focus on Marlon. Clem and Aj please go to your room. Y/N it's probably for the best that you go too."

We all start to walk over, but Mitch steps in our way and pulls out a knife. "If you think you're all gonna sta-"

I punch Mitch right in the face and take his knife. Mitch is on the ground looking up at me with blood flowing out his noise. "Back off Mitch. Nothing you do is gonna help the situation, and I'm not in the mood right now."

I drop the knife and we walk past him. We're walking inside the building in silence. When we get to my door, Clem stops and grabs me. "Y/N, can you stay with us tonight? I think me and Aj would be more comfortable with you there."

I sigh and open my door. "Let me grab my stuff and I'll come over."

Clem finally answers his question and ends my memory. "Aj what you did wasn't a good thing. Marlon was a threat, but he gave up and wasn't anymore. You can't do that kind of stuff, and not expect people to be angry."

Aj then turns to me as if he wants me to answer his question. I sigh and reply with my own question. "Aj, why did you do that anyway?"

Aj's eyes widen and frowns. "Because Marlon did bad things. He was basically a monster, that's what we do to monsters I thought."

I shake my head. "No Aj, here sit down please."

He sits next to Clem and looks at me. "Look Aj, what Marlon did was a bad thing and a mistake. I've made mistakes and I've done bad things as well. That doesn't mean it's okay to shoot me. We all deserve a chance to be forgiven. Does that make sense?"

He frowns and looks up at Clem. "Will I be forgiven by them?"

"You're going to have to atone what you did."


"Fix your mistakes Aj. It'll be hard, but you have to try to make things right bud."

He nods his head and then a knock on the door is heard. Tenn opens it and comes in. "He guys, Violet sent me to uh tell you that we're having the funeral this morning, and she'd like you to be there."

Clem stands up and smiles at Tenn. "Thanks Tenn, tell her we'll be there soon."

Tenn smiles and leaves the room. I stand up and look at Clem. "Are you sure we should do that? Everyone isn't gonna be happy to see us."

"Yeah they won't be, but we need to show we're sorry."

I pinch between my eyes and nod my head. She's right, but this is gonna suck. We leave the room and make our way outside. The courtyard is empty and quiet, but we see everyone at the graveyard. We start to walk over and some of them notice us walking.

Mitch's noise is bruised, so he has a bit of a stuffy voice. "Oh great, they're here" Mitch says sarcastically.

"Just ignore them okay. They knew Brody and should be here."

Violet then looks at tenn and nods. Tenn starts to talk about a drawing he drew for Brody, but I'm too focused on glaring at Louis and Mitch to hear any of it. Both these guys have changed completely from who they were, and it pisses me off.

I snap out of it when Violet walks away from the grave. "I'm sorry I can't do this. I can for Brody, but not Marlon."

Willy gets mad at this and goes on a temper tantrum. "You didn't even like Brody! You treated her like shit and now you wanna act like you two were close. Why are they even here! They're both dead because of them!"

Aj walks forward nervously and begins to speak. "I know what I did is wrong. I want to make everything right and atone for what I've done."

Louis shakes his head and starts to walk away. "I can't hear this shit. I'm leaving." He walks past us and glares at Aj, and then shifts to me and Clem. I glare right back and start to clench my fists. Luckily Clem calms me down before I do anything.

Mitch builds up some courage and speaks up as well. "They all need to leave! They're dangerous and can't stay here."

Some people nod their heads in agreement, but Violet shoots this down. "Absolutely not, we cannot do this guys!"

Aasim speaks up now, and I'm kind of surprised to hear him defend Mitch. "We need to discuss it. We'll have to vote, it's the only way to get an answer."

Violet sighs and turns to Aj and Clem. "I'm sorry guys, but we're doing this I guess. You should head back to the room. Y/N you stay here and help vote."

I shake my head and turn to all of them. "I'm not going to fix a wrong with another wrong. If you want my vote it's for them to stay, and....I won't be staying here if that's not the result."

Everyone stops and looks at me wide eyed. "I won't live in a group that will casually send people to die in the wild. That's all I have to say about that."

I turn to Clem and Aj, and they both smile at me. We turn around and head back to their room to await our fates.

In Too Deep: A Walking Dead Clementine x Male ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now