Part 8: Principal's office

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I get back to the school around eight, and see most people are up. Mitch is on guard duty, and some of the kids look like their going out somewhere. I head to my room to drop off my things, and see Clem and Aj leave their room while I get to mine.

"Morning guys, sleep well?"

They both smile and Aj replies very excitedly. "It was awesome! Sleeping in the bed is so much nicer then the floor!"

Clem looks a little embarrassed by Aj's response, but I don't see what there's to be embarrassed about. "Yeah I slept great last night, haven't slept in an actual bed in so long."

For a second, Clem looks at me with a worried eyes, but they go back to normal quickly. What was that all about? "Do you want us to wait for you Y/N? We both gotta see Marlon, might as well go together."

You look at her and smile. "Yeah, let me just put this back, grab my stuff, and then I'll be good to go."

I drop of my music player, and empty out my backpack with all my CDs. Now I have lots of room to fill my backpack with anything I find out there.

We walk outside and Aj sees Tenn, and then turns to Clem. "Is it okay if I go on watch with Tenn?"

Clem smiles at Aj and nods her head. She turns to me and smiles. "It's nice that he can just have a friend you know? It's easier to not worry about him now that he's with other people."

I look at her and start to walk. "I can believe that. This world changes people, and it makes me wonder what it can do to someone born into it."

Clem stops smiling and looks like she's thinking. It looks like she's about to ask a question, but then Louis stops us.

"Hey guys, Marlon is looking for you two. Also, I wanted to apologize about last night. I should have been smarter, and I hope this doesn't change anything."

I smile and reply back to Louis. "Yeah no problem Louis, just be smarter next time and we'll be fine."

Clem then speaks up. "Yeah, don't beat yourself up over it."

Louis smiles at us both, and walks over to Aasim.  Me and Clem reach Marlon's room, but we can't find him. We start to look around until we hear a growl behind us.

We both turn to see Rosie defending Marlons room. Clem freezes in place and honestly looks terrified, so I walk over and step in front of her to block her from Rosie. The dog looks like it's about to attack, but luckily Marlon came into his room before Rosie took a bite out of me.

"Woah woah, easy girl. Sorry about that guys. I heard you were afraid of dogs Clem, but didn't know it was that bad."

Clem blushes and looks embarrassed. "I had a pretty bad experience with one before. Ended up giving me this."

Clem pulls up her sleeve and shows us her arm, and we see a pretty nasty scar. I go up to get a closer look on it. "Looks pretty rough Clem. Does it hurt at all still?"

She smiles and replies. "Nah it's not too bad. It sometimes has this itch that won't go away, but I can ignore it most of the time."

I nod my head and smile. I know exactly what she's talking about, and I'm glad she isn't feeling what I feel. I feel that itch constantly and sometimes it's more then an itch. Its probably because some of my wounds weren't taken cared of properly, but what exactly falls under proper these day?

Marlon holds out his hand and looks at both of us. "Come on, we should get Rosie to have both of your scents. Don't want her to growl at you guys all the time."

I look at Clem and she gets nervous, so I place my hand on her shoulder. "Come on, we'll be fine Clem. Besides if he bites anyone I'll make sure it's me. Then we can both have dog scars."

Clem giggles at my joke and smiles. She then knocks my hand off her shoulder and looks at me. "Shut up Y/N, I'm the only one who's having a dog scar."

Her face then shifts back to fear when she turns to Rosie. She holds out her hand for Marlon to takes it, and they slowly move it in front of Rosie. Rosie gives it a sniff and licks her hand. Clem gives out another giggle, and this one makes me realize how beautiful her voice is.

She then turns to me and holds out her hand. I walk up slowly and she takes my hand. I try not to blush, but I can feel my face getting hot. Luckily, Marlon and Clem are busy looking at Rosie, so I'm saved from embarrassment. Rosie repeats the same routine with me, and then me and Clem start to pet her.

Rosie seems to enjoy the attention based off her tail waging and her smile. I unknowingly start to talk to Rosie while Clem stares at me. "You're a good girl ain't you? Yeah you are."

I turn and see Clem staring at me, and trying to hold back her laughs. "What was that Y/N? Never heard you talk like that before."

I feel pretty embarrassed, so I stand up and stop petting Rosie. I try to keep it cool, but I feel like I'm failing at that. "What can I say? She's man's best friend."

Marlon comes over and whistles Rosie to go lay down. He walks over to his desk and pulls out a man made map. Most of it looks familiar since it has some points from the map I found. Marlon starts to go over locations near us.

We learn about the river I was at earlier, then we go over where most of the traps are in the woods, and we even see the train station where Clem and Aj were at.

"We've been finding less and less food lately in the border, so we need to work harder to find food for everyone."

I find this a little confusing, and I'm sure Clem does too. "Why don't we just extend the safe zone? I'm sure we could find resources on the other side of the river."

Marlon seems to get frustrated with my comment, but holds back most of his anger. "No! We...I'm sorry, but we can't send anyone out there. Last time someone went out the safe zone they died, and I don't want to risk it."

I nod my head, but I don't want to stop pushing. "Well could you send me or Clem out looking for supplies? We have experience being out there, so we could help pitch in that way."

Marlon sighs and slowly shakes his head. "I don't know Y/N. Maybe we can talk about this later after you help the others and get back. I got Violet and Brody going to fish, and Louis and Aasim to check the traps. I plan to separate you guys since you're both experienced, so where do you want to go?"

I turn to Clem to let her decide, and she thinks for a moment before making a decision. "Me and Aj will go fishing with the girls, and you can go check on the traps with the guys."

I nod my head, and we start to leave before Marlon stops us. "Wait! Take the map with you guys. It might come in handy out there if something happens."

We smile and thank him before leaving. We start to walk down the steps to the courtyard. "So I guess I'll see you and Aj later today?"

"Yeah we'll meet up once we finish. We could make a bet on who catches gets more food if you want."

"Gambling is a bad habit Clem, but I'm in. What will we wager?"

She thinks for a moment and let's out an evil looking smiling. "Whoever wins gets one request, and the loser has to complete that task whenever it is asked."

I let out a laugh, and we smile at each other. She has such a pretty smile, it's amazing someone this beautiful even exists still. "Fine Clem, just don't complain when I beat you!"

"Whatever Y/N! We'll see who has the last laugh in the end."

We stay silent for the rest of the walk, but Clem turns and gives me a faint smile before leaving. "Be safe out there Y/N."

I turn to her and smile. "Always, and you do the same."

We both split apart now to meet with our groups. I wish I could just spend some time with her and get to know her, but that'll have to wait for later. I catch up with Louis and Aasim, and we head out to the traps.

In Too Deep: A Walking Dead Clementine x Male ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now